Home Tag Brugada syndrome

Articles in Brugada syndrome

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Is heart disease hereditary?
Genetic factors and cardiovascular disease are related. However, there are other factors that will help us reduce the risk of the disease, even if the patient already has a family history.
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Brugada syndrome has implanted ICD but still has palpitations?
I am 22 years old, suffers from Brugada syndrome, has had an ICD implanted, and has recently suffered from constant palpitations. Doctor told me, Brugada syndrome has implanted ICD machine but still has palpitations, is it okay?
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Brugada syndrome is one of the leading causes of sudden death
Sudden death often occurs in people with structural heart disease, especially coronary artery disease. However, about 5-10% of sudden deaths occur in people without structural cardiac abnormalities and coronary artery disease, but may have risk factors for arrhythmias such as long QT syndrome. , short QT syndrome, pre-excitation syndrome, concussion (commotio cordis) and Brugada syndrome.
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Brugada syndrome type 1 with type 2 and type 3, which level is more dangerous?
Hi doctor! May I ask what is the more dangerous level of Brugada syndrome type 1 with type 2 and type 3? My husband was diagnosed by a doctor at the hospital with Brugada syndrome type 1 but the family does not want to install a pacemaker, is there any way to stabilize the heart rate? Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Thank you sincerely!
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Frequently asked questions about Brugada's Syndrome
Brugada syndrome is a primary electrical and ion channel disease of the heart that causes abnormal heart rhythms coming from the ventricles (lower chambers of the heart), without structural cardiac abnormalities. Patients often have episodes of syncope or sudden death due to ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. Brugada syndrome is a rare disease that is inherited from one parent.
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What is Brugada syndrome? Causes and symptoms
Brugada syndrome is a rare genetic disorder. The disease affects heart rhythms and can cause them to become too fast or arrhythmia. When there is an arrhythmia, the heart cannot ensure the function of pumping blood to other organs in the body. If someone in the family is diagnosed with Brugada syndrome, other members need to see a specialist for advice and order laboratory tests to diagnose and detect the disease, in which genetic testing is also necessary. should be considered.
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Brugada syndrome: Diagnosis and treatment
Hội chứng Brugada là một tình trạng hiếm gặp nhưng nghiêm trọng, bệnh khiến tim đập quá nhanh hoặc không đều. Rối loạn nhịp tim làm máu không thể bơm đến phần còn lại của cơ thể. Bệnh Brugada là một trong những nguyên nhân phổ biến gây đột tử ở những người trẻ và khỏe mạnh.
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Brugada syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment
Hội chứng Brugada là bệnh về rối loạn hoạt động điện của tim dẫn đến rối loạn nhịp tim. Người mắc hội chứng Brugada có nguy cơ bị đột tử ở độ tuổi trung bình là 40 tuổi, cũng có trường hợp trẻ em dưới 1 tuổi bị đột tử trong khi ngủ. Vậy biểu hiện của bệnh ra sao và phương pháp điều trị như thế nào?
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