Home Tag Breast tumor

Articles in Breast tumor

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Indications for mammography
Chụp cộng hưởng từ tuyến vú là một kỹ thuật cận lâm sàng được áp dụng để phát hiện kịp thời những vấn đề bất thường liên quan đến tuyến vú, từ đó có thể sàng lọc ung thư vú hiệu quả. Chụp MRI vú giúp phát hiện rõ hơn những tổn thương tuyến vú mà các phương pháp chụp vú khác như không thể mang lại.
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What should I do when I find a breast lump?
Breast cancer is a common cancer in women. Besides malignant tumors that lead to cancer, there are several other types of breast tumors that are benign and are not cause for concern if detected, diagnosed, and treated early and appropriately. So how are breast tumors treated?
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Uses of Trexall
Trexall belongs to the group of high-dose anti-cancer drugs and low-dose immunosuppressants. The drug is indicated in the treatment of acute leukemia, bladder, cervical, ovarian ... However, Trexall can cause some unwanted side effects such as allergies, diarrhea, deficiency blood...
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What is a phyllode?
Phyllodes tumor accounts for about 0.3% - 0.5% of all malignancies of the mammary gland. It is common in non-menopausal women between the ages of 40 and 50 and in men, although it is very rare.
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