Home Tag Breast conservation

Articles in Breast conservation

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Breast calcification on mammography
Vôi hóa tuyến vú là những mảng nhỏ canxi xuất hiện trên hình ảnh chụp nhũ ảnh dưới dạng các đốm trắng sáng hoặc các chấm trên nền mô mềm của vú. Điều này là do canxi dễ dàng hấp thụ tia X trong quá trình chụp nhũ ảnh. Vôi hóa thường không xuất hiện trên siêu âm và cũng không bao giờ xuất hiện khi chụp MRI vú.
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2 commonly used methods in surgery to treat breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer with a high mortality rate in women and mastectomy is the treatment of choice for breast cancer. There are two commonly used surgical methods: mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery.
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Breast cancer: In what cases can the breast be preserved?
For patients with breast cancer, there are currently 2 surgical methods to treat the disease: complete removal of the breast or preserving the breast. Breast-conserving surgery is mainly indicated for cases where the disease is detected at an early stage, when cancer cells have not spread widely.
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Breast-conserving therapy in breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Every year, around 2 million people worldwide are diagnosed with breast cancer and about 600,000 people die from the disease.
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Breast-conserving treatment in breast cancer
Breast-conserving surgery in breast cancer includes many levels: excision of the tumor, partial mastectomy, and quadrant resection of the breast. The surgeon will cut the tumor and surrounding tissue with a safe margin based on the guidance of the ultrasound and mammograms as well as their perception.
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Diagnostic imaging in breast cancer screening
Breast cancer screening is a measure to help detect the disease early, increase treatment efficiency, and reduce costs and time. In disease screening methods, imaging plays an important role in diagnosing and detecting abnormalities in the mammary glands, especially breast cancer.
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Preserving breasts during breast cancer treatment
The surgical methods for breast cancer can leave serious complications such as: Long scar shrinkage, loss of one breast, restriction of shoulder movement on the operating side... To reduce complications, two doctors Fisher and Veronesi proposed breast-conserving therapy with partial mastectomy with radiation therapy. The success rate and aesthetic results are very positive.
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Breast reconstruction after breast cancer treatment at Vinmec
After breast cancer treatment, a woman loses a female organ. That led to the development of breast reconstruction techniques - helping women feel more confident in their everyday lives.
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Features of breast cancer in adolescent patients
Breast cancer is one of the 10 most common cancers in Vietnamese women. The age of breast cancer tends to be younger, with breast cancer patients in their teens with the average age of only about 30 years old.
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