Home Tag Blood pressure increases

Articles in Blood pressure increases

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55mm polycystic kidney with 9mm stone, big left liver cyst, what's wrong?
Hello doctor, I would like to ask if the doctor has a 55mm polycystic kidney with 9mm stones, is there a big left liver cyst? How to treat kidney cysts? Please consult your doctor for treatment. Thanks for the advice doctor.
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What is the big difference in blood pressure measured at the hospital and at home?
Hi doctor! I went to the military entrance examination, my blood pressure was 150, but when I got home, I measured 120, but I regularly measure it but my blood pressure is always stable at 120. So the doctor asked me if it was because I was stressed or because I was sick. what reason? I hope the doctor can help me. I would like to thank the doctor more!
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What is the treatment for sudden increase in blood pressure with medication?
My father has high blood pressure and still goes to the hospital every month to monitor his health. However, recently my father often has a sudden increase in blood pressure, even though he does not do anything hard, sometimes or increases blood pressure in the evening. Are there any drugs that help lower blood pressure in such cases? So the doctor asked me: What is the treatment for sudden high blood pressure with drugs?
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Numbness in the mind, weakness in the hands and feet when it is hot, is a sign of what disease?
Hello doctor, I have a phenomenon that when it is hot, my mind is numb, my limbs are weak, very uncomfortable. I currently have high blood pressure and cholesterol. I went to the hospital but didn't know what was wrong, the doctor only gave me blood pressure medicine and blood fat.
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Blood pressure to 150/80 when headache due to sinusitis need to take medicine?
Hi doctor! My mother measures her blood pressure with a machine, the average reading is 115/70, measuring once every 3 days in the evening.
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How is high blood pressure in men treated?
My father is 75 years old and has high blood pressure. So the doctor told me how to treat high blood pressure in men? I thank the doctor.
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What is the cause of rapid heart rate and increased blood pressure when panicking?
Hello doctor, I have a heart palpitations, high blood pressure when nervous and panic. So the doctor asked me why my heart palpitations with increased blood pressure when I panic? I thank you doctor.
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How is stress measured?
Căng thẳng là phản ứng của cơ thể trước những áp lực. Nó có thể là một phản ứng về thể chất, tinh thần hoặc cảm xúc. Cấp độ căng thẳng càng cao thì càng ảnh hưởng nhiều đến sức khoẻ. Do đó, đo lường mức độ căng thẳng có thể giúp bạn nhận thức và giải quyết các vấn đề trước khi chúng gây hại cho sức khỏe.
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Advantages of Holter blood pressure recording method
Hiện nay, ngoài việc đến bệnh viện, phòng khám thì bất cứ ai cũng có thể thực hiện đo huyết áp tại nhà để theo dõi chỉ số huyết áp của mình. Đặc biệt, để các chỉ số hiện lên chính xác nhất vào các thời điểm trong ngày thì có thể sử dụng phương pháp đo huyết áp 24 giờ bằng hệ thống đo Holter huyết áp.
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