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Tag Blood group B
Articles in Blood group B
How to classify blood group?
In humans, blood groups are divided into many types and each type has its own characteristics. If the blood group is not properly transfused, it can disrupt the structure of the blood vessels, endangering the life of the person receiving the blood. The following article will help you better understand the characteristics of blood groups and how to classify them.
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Basic principles of blood transfusion
Human blood is divided into many groups and each blood group has its own characteristics, the structure of blood vessels can be broken if the blood group is not compatible with each other. To ensure safety during blood transfusion, it is necessary to follow the basic principles of blood transfusion.
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Blood type O: What you need to know
Human blood was first classified into four types in the first decade of the 1900s by Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner. Many studies have suggested that blood type characteristics can also affect a person’s health and personality. The following article will discuss blood type O in more detail.
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Rh factor blood test
The Rhesus (Rh) factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If your blood has this protein, it is considered Rh positive, and if it does not, it is Rh negative.
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What do you know about your blood type?
While most human blood is made up of the same basic components, scientists have discovered that there are many different types of blood. There are eight different blood types, and these are determined by the genes you inherit from your parents.
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What happens if you're injected with the wrong blood type?
Every blood type in the human body has distinct characteristics. The incorrect blood type transfusion might result in life-threatening complications or even death.
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Why is AB a rare blood type?
Blood group AB is one of the rare blood groups, characterized by both A and B antigens on red blood cells and no antibodies in the plasma.
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Blood group B gives and receives from which blood group?
There are many blood types in the population including ABO, Rh, Kidd, Kell, etc. The most important of these are ABO and RhD. Transfusion of ABO incompatible blood can lead to serious and potentially fatal transfusion reactions. So if you have blood type B, which blood types can type B blood be given to, and why?
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In what cases are leukocyte-poor red blood cells used?
Unlike packed red blood cells, leukocyte-poor red blood cells are characterized by very few or no white blood cells. Accordingly, the risk of transfusion complications is minimized, especially in patients who need multiple blood transfusions or have special conditions.
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Blood group testing methods
Blood type is one of the biological characteristics of humans, determined by genes. The two most commonly used blood group systems are ABO and Rh. The ABO blood group system includes four blood groups: A, B, O, and AB. The Rh blood group system has two main blood groups: RhD positive and RhD negative.
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Risks and complications of massive blood transfusion
Blood transfusion is an effective and frequently prescribed treatment for anemic patients in all medical departments, especially patients with acute blood loss. In some cases such as obstetric complications or surgical procedures, large-scale blood transfusion is necessary but also brings certain risks and complications of blood transfusion.
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