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Note when treating heat rash with folk methods
Heat rash is a common skin irritation in the summer. Hot weather and high humidity cause the capillaries on the skin to dilate, creating conditions for bacteria to enter and cause heat rash. The heat also causes children to sweat more, dirt and sebum stick to the body, blocking sweat glands, causing heat rash.
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Bitter gourd and diabetes
Bitter melon is a very special vegetable, it is often widely used in daily diet. In addition, in traditional medicine, bitter melon is also used to treat some conditions such as diarrhea, vomiting or stomach pain. Although there is much evidence that using bitter melon can reduce blood sugar levels, considering it as a treatment for diabetes is still controversial.
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Can pregnant women eat bitter melon? Eating bitter melon causes miscarriage?
Pregnant women can eat bitter melon is a question of many pregnant women, because this is a very nutritious and healthy food. However, there are many opinions that bitter melon contains substances that cause uterine contractions and miscarriage. So should pregnant women eat bitter melon or not? Follow the following article for the answer.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics