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Articles in Biological heart valve

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Benefits and risks of heart valve replacement surgery
Heart valve replacement is the optimal measure in cases of severe damage to the heart valves, in order to reduce symptoms, prevent the progression of heart failure and reduce the risk of early death for the patient. Patients may face some complications after heart valve replacement surgery, however, these are completely manageable.
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After heart valve surgery: What signs are abnormal?
Heart valve repair and replacement surgery is a highly accurate surgery and the majority of patients have a marked improvement after surgery. However, there is still a small chance of complications such as valve dysfunction after surgery, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism or stroke.
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Care after heart valve surgery
After heart valve surgery, whether open or laparoscopic, patients need to be cared for carefully. Care after heart valve replacement surgery requires care of the incision, gentle exercise for quick recovery, regular check-ups and proper nutrition.
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Artificial heart valve
Heart valve disease is a common cardiovascular disease that needs to be treated and monitored well to avoid dangerous complications that put patients at risk of disability or death. To treat heart valve disease, an effective method is heart valve replacement surgery.
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3 common types of artificial heart valves and pros and cons
Artificial heart valves are materials used to replace damaged heart valves, often seen in severe heart valve diseases. There are many types of artificial heart valves, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. So, what kind of heart valve replacement is good? The following article will provide information to help patients choose the right artificial heart valve.
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What is the difference between mechanical and biological artificial heart valves?
Replacing autologous heart valves and artificial heart valves is a technique for the treatment of valvular heart disease that does not respond to medical methods. Artificial heart valves include biological heart valves and mechanical heart valves. Each type has different advantages and disadvantages.
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Conditions for replacing heart valves
Cardiovascular disease always poses challenges for both patients and medical professionals, especially among heart valve abnormalities. For people with damaged, degenerative heart valves that need valve replacement surgery, the same question will be asked: "who needs to replace the heart valve and what are the conditions for heart valve replacement?".
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What to eat after mitral valve surgery?
How to care for patients after heart valve replacement is one of the important steps in the postoperative period, determining the successful outcome of the treatment. In particular, many patients still have many doubts about what to eat after mitral valve surgery to return to daily life soon and maintain the life of the prosthetic valve.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics