Home Tag Benign polyps

Articles in Benign polyps

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Gallbladder polyps: How and when to intervene?
Gallbladder polyps are papillomas that form from the inner lining of the gallbladder. Most gallbladder polyps are benign. Depending on the polyp size to assess the danger of gallbladder polyps and the application of appropriate treatment.
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Are rectal polyps dangerous?
Today, I went to the doctor and discovered that I had a benign 0.3 cm polyp in the rectum. The doctor reminded me to re-examine 6 months later, if the polyp is bigger, I will remove it. Doctor let me ask, is rectal polyp dangerous?
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Gallbladder polyps: When to operate?
Gallbladder polyps are fleshy cysts that grow in the gallbladder. Fortunately, 95% of polyps are benign. However, there is still about a 5% risk of developing gallbladder cancer. So when does gallbladder polyp need surgery, please refer to the article below!
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Are polyps in the gallbladder dangerous?
Gallbladder polyp is a tumor-like or pseudotumor lesion that develops on the surface of the gallbladder mucosa, is an organizational form that originates from the gallbladder wall and protrudes into the gallbladder lumen. In addition to gallstones, cholecystitis, and gallbladder motility disorders, multiple gallbladder polyps is one of the common diseases.
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