Home Tag Atrial fibrillation

Articles in Atrial fibrillation

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The link between atrial fibrillation and stroke
Atrial fibrillation is one of the leading causes of stroke, accounting for about 25% of all cases. Stroke is the second leading cause of death in Vietnam, after cardiovascular disease.
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How is anxiety disorder/atrial fibrillation treated?
I am 32 years old this year, for about 2 years now I feel pain in the left chest spreading down my arm, a secret pain in my chest. Pain increases when the weather is too hot or too cold, at this time it is difficult to sleep (if you take sleeping pills, you will sleep well, then you will feel the chest pain). I have a history of transient atrial fibrillation with high blood lipids. I went to the doctor and the results: X-ray of the heart and lungs was normal, echocardiography was normal, and carotid ultrasound was normal. Blood CTM test was normal, blood biochemistry had blood fat 4.0, urine test was normal. Electrocardiogram normal. Doctor concluded anxiety disorder/atrial fibrillation. Doctor tell me how to treat anxiety disorder/atrial fibrillation?
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Who is susceptible to atrial fibrillation?
Rung nhĩ cơn gây hồi hộp, loạn nhịp có thể kết thúc nhanh và tự hết mà không cần điều trị, nhưng nếu nhịp tim quá nhanh thì cần cấp cứu để ngăn ngừa nguy cơ đột quỵ và nhồi máu cơ tim.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics