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Articles in Asthma attack

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Uses of the drug Derdiyok 10 mg
Derdiyok 10mg is one of the brand names of montelukast used in the treatment and prevention of asthma. You can often see montelukast marketed with many names such as Singulair, Montiget, Miowan... with many different strengths and dosage forms. In this article, we would like to introduce to you about one of these brand-name drugs - derdiyok drug and the use of derdiyok 10mg drug.
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Uses of Asmanex
Asmanex is an inhaler that contains the active ingredient mometasone furoate, a corticosteroid. Asmanex is indicated in the treatment of respiratory diseases, prevention of asthma attacks.
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Uses of Usalukast 10
Usalukast 10 is used to treat and control allergic conditions that cause respiratory manifestations such as sneezing, runny nose, bronchospasm. Regular use of the drug reduces the severity of acute asthma attacks and reduces the frequency of asthma hospitalizations in patients with bronchial asthma.
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Uses of Symbicort rapihaler
Symbicort rapihaler is a medicine for control and prevention in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. To ensure effective use and avoid side effects, patients need to take the drug exactly as directed by the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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Uses of Phagofi 4
Phagofi 4 is a drug that works to prevent the risk of bronchial asthma, bronchospasm or symptoms of allergic rhinitis. When used prophylactically, the drug has been shown to be effective in reducing acute asthma attacks and asthma severity.
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Uses of Rhinovent Nasal Spray
Rhinovent is commonly indicated for the treatment of acute asthmatic conditions in both children and adults. In addition, Rhinovent medicine also helps to reverse the symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the exacerbation stage. Currently, Rhinovent is used as an aerosol nasal spray and patients need to be treated according to the dose recommended by the doctor.
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Beware of sudden death from asthma
Hen suyễn là một bệnh viêm mạn tính thường gặp của đường dẫn khí trong phổi. Tình trạng viêm phế quản này làm cho phế quản trở nên dễ phản ứng hơn với các yếu tố kích thích, từ đó gây ra cơn hen suyễn. Cơn hen nếu không được xử trí kịp thời có thể dẫn tới đột quỵ.
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Identify and prevent asthma triggers
Hen là bệnh viêm mạn tính đường hô hấp. Ở Việt Nam người lớn chiếm tỉ lệ 5%, trẻ em 10% và trên thế giới có 300 triệu người mắc bệnh, 20 vạn người tử vong vì hen hàng năm. Bệnh hen được đánh giá là có thể mắc ở bất kỳ độ tuổi nào, tuy bệnh không lây nhưng lại có tính di truyền.
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