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Articles in Artery

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Giant cell arteritis
Giant cell arteritis is a serious condition, with many dangerous complications. Let's learn about this disease through the article below.
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What is carotid artery? Common carotid artery diseases
Carotid atherosclerosis and carotid stenosis are the main causes of carotid artery disease. Fatty plaques are deposited inside the blood vessels, also known as plaques, which block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain and head structures. Carotid artery disease is strongly associated with stroke when blood flow to the brain is severely reduced.
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How the heart works and pumps blood throughout the body
The heart is a wonderful organ, because it can pump oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the body to sustain life. It works up to 100,000 times a day, each pumping 5 to 6 liters of blood (or 2,000 gallons per day).
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Indications for closure of arteriovenous fistula
Arteriovenous fistulas can appear in the legs, blood vessels of the brain, blood vessels of the lungs, or anywhere else in the body. If the closure of an arteriovenous fistula is not indicated for timely intervention, it can cause many serious health complications.
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Visualization for vein and artery problems
Arteries and veins play an important role in transporting blood throughout the body. The arteries carry oxygen-filled blood from the heart, and the veins carry blood that doesn't have much oxygen back to the heart. There are many problems and diseases that can occur with arteries and veins that affect the transport of blood in the human body.
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Takayasu's arteritis: A rare disease, easy to miss
Takayasu vasculitis is inflammation in the walls of blood vessels, sometimes causing a complete blockage of the artery. Takayasu disease is a rare disease, the exact cause of which is unknown. Treatment of takayasu vasculitis is challenging, mainly still treating the vasculitis and preventing complications.
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Atherothrombosis (AT)
Arterial thrombosis is a blood clot that develops in an artery. This is very dangerous because it can obstruct or stop the flow of blood to major organs, such as the heart or brain. The main cause of arterial thrombosis is atherosclerosis. Accordingly, the symptoms of arterial thrombosis depend on where the clot forms against the background of intravascular plaque.
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Arterial and venous problems to watch out for
Arterial and venous problems are always potential health risks. How to control vein and artery problems? How do you know if you have a problem with your blood vessels?
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Cerebral vascular malformation: Ambiguous signs, high risk of death
Dị dạng mạch máu não thường phát triển từ tuần thứ 4-8 của thai kỳ. Nguyên nhân gây bệnh có thể do di truyền và hoạt động kích thích sinh mạch. Dị dạng mạch máu não cũng sẽ làm giảm oxy đến mô não
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Is allergic conjunctivitis dangerous?
Viêm mao mạch dị ứng hay bệnh Henoch – Schonlein (HSP) là bệnh lý thứ phát cấp tính gây tổn thương lan tỏa hệ thống vi mạch ở nhiều cơ quan như khớp, da, đường tiêu hóa, tim mạch...
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Dangers of nodal arteritis
Bệnh viêm động mạch nút gây tổn thương từng đoạn mạch máu, chủ yếu ở các động mạch nhỏ và trung bình. Nếu không kịp thời phát hiện và điều trị, bệnh có thể gây biến chứng suy thận, nhồi máu cơ tim, đột quỵ,...
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