Home Tag Arterial stent placement

Articles in Arterial stent placement

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Endovascular intervention for treatment of arterial occlusion below the knee
The occlusion of the artery below the knee not only causes pain and difficulty in moving for the patient, but in the severe stage, it can cause ulceration and necrosis of the extremities. Endovascular intervention is an effective method in the treatment of arterial occlusion below the knee.
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Beware of thromboembolic complications after stenting
Arterial stenting is the optimal solution for acute cases such as acute vascular occlusion, acute myocardial infarction. However, arterial stenting also carries a risk of arterial thrombosis and embolism. Therefore, to prevent and treat embolism after stenting, antiplatelet drugs are often indicated.
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Having had a coronary stent, do I need to continue taking medication?
Coronary stenting helps to limit the re-stenosis of the coronary arteries and improves the patient's quality of life. After stenting, the patient needs to continue taking the medications as prescribed by the doctor.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics