Home Tag Appendicitis during pregnancy

Articles in Appendicitis during pregnancy

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Is right side abdominal pain during pregnancy dangerous?
I am 14 weeks pregnant. On the 5th, I had abdominal pain on the right side. I went to the hospital, the doctor told me I had appendicitis, and asked me to be hospitalized to monitor the disease. However, my family had a job, so I asked to go home, not to be hospitalized. By the next day, I had no more stomach pain. Doctor let me ask, is the pain in the right abdomen during pregnancy dangerous?
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Appendicectomy while pregnant: What you need to know
Đau ruột thừa là một trong những dấu hiệu cảnh báo sớm của tình trạng viêm ruột thừa hay các khối u ruột thừa. Đau ruột thừa có thể xảy ra ở mọi lứa tuổi từ trẻ nhỏ đến người trưởng thành thậm chí là ở phụ nữ đang mang thai.
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