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Articles in Andrology

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Symptoms of kidney failure in men
Kidney failure is a dangerous disease and has been on the rise in recent years. In particular, according to recent studies, scientists say the risk of kidney failure in men is higher than in women.
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Developmental stages of genital herpes
Genital herpes is a very common sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Patients do not know they have the disease because genital herpes often has mild symptoms or no signs.
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Some common diseases are only found in men
Male diseases are diseases directly related to the reproductive ability and physiology of men. Typical diseases include prostate disease, testicular disease, erectile dysfunction, infertility, sexually transmitted diseases. Learning about the disease will help men proactively understand and promptly detect and treat the disease.
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Can men with varicose veins have children?
Varicocele is one of the causes of infertility in men with a fairly high rate. However, timely and proper treatment will help men still have children normally. Can men with varicocele have children?
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Varicose veins have how many degrees?
Varicocele can cause infertility in men because it causes reduced sperm motility along with other problems such as sperm deformity, reduced testicular size, and high immature sperm count.
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Can men who have varicose vein surgery play sports?
Varicocele surgery is a simple surgical intervention, so after surgery the patient will return to normal very quickly and will have almost no problems in daily life.
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When does varicocele occur?
When performing a paraclinical examination, through ultrasound, the doctor will conclude that the patient has varicocele if the spermatic vein diameter is greater than 2.5 mm.
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Common symptoms after varicocele surgery
Varicocele is treated surgically, some mild cases may be treated medically by the doctor. After varicocele surgery, the patient cannot avoid common symptoms.
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Treatment of low testosterone syndrome in men
For men with low testosterone, early diagnosis and treatment are extremely important. However, due to the nature of the disease, many patients avoid going to the doctor and not getting treatment for low testosterone, making the condition worse.
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10 reasons why testicle pain is alarming
The causes of pain in the testicles are mostly alarming. If you do not pay attention to find the cause in time, the consequences can be very dangerous.
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Diabetes in men: What you need to know
Men with diabetes will have certain effects on sexual problems. Learn how to control your blood sugar at a safe level, have regular check-ups and receive necessary advice from your treating doctors.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics