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Tag Andrology
Articles in Andrology
Natural ways to increase testosterone in men
Increasing testosterone in men is not too difficult. In fact, men can apply the following 8 ways to increase testosterone levels in the body, thereby having a healthy body and a fulfilling sex life.
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If you have mumps, you can still be a father
Everyone thinks that having mumps and having complications of orchitis will definitely cause infertility. However, according to male doctors, within 1-2 months after orchitis, if the patient goes for a check-up and freezes sperm, they are completely capable of having children thanks to modern reproductive support measures.
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What should be done to assess the possibility of infertility?
Infertility is a nightmare for many families, with more than 1 million Vietnamese couples facing this dangerous disease. Taking the initiative to learn about assisted reproductive techniques is a method that brings hope to infertile couples.
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Infertility treatment: What you need to know
The rate of infertile couples is increasing. Equipping yourself and your family with knowledge and infertility treatment methods is extremely useful.
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Male and female hormone testing: What you need to know
Hormonal disorders will cause significant impacts on daily activities, psychology, quality of sexual life and fertility. Hormone testing is something that needs to be done regularly.
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What are the normal semen analysis results?
Semen analysis is a simple test commonly used to evaluate male reproductive function, especially for couples having difficulty conceiving.
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Why is circumcision necessary? When should circumcision be performed?
The foreskin is the skin that covers the penis. It covers the head of the penis when a boy is young and usually retracts by age 4 or 5. However, if the foreskin does not retract by puberty, surgery may be necessary.
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Some basic issues to know about prostate enlargement
One thing to note for the elderly (45 years old and above) is: benign prostate tumors are not really dangerous, but to treat them effectively and avoid complications, patients need to see a doctor as soon as possible when they see the above symptoms. Absolutely do not buy medicine and treat yourself at home, the disease will get worse, even endangering your health and life. Because in reality, even if you have prostate cancer, if it is detected early and treated promptly according to the doctor's instructions, the patient can still prolong his life.
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Male menopause: What you need to know
Unlike menopause in women with sudden hormonal changes, andropause in men has gradual hormonal changes, often called andropause. Things to know about male menopause.
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What affects penis health and function?
Penile health is not just limited to activities such as erection or ejaculation. Therefore, it is necessary to know the signs when the penis is having problems to know the best way to care for the penis.
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Obese men are prone to "sex"?
Obesity leads to health consequences, especially obesity in men causes significant effects on sexual life.
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