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Articles in Anal stenosis

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After cutting hemorrhoids to have a bowel movement, the feeling of not being out of stool is anal narrowing?
Hi doctor! I am 32 years old this year, 10 months ago I had 3rd degree hemorrhoidectomy by longo method and after thread removal I had normal bowel movements but for almost 2 months now I have not had all the stools, I feel that there is still a small amount of stool, I can't come out, I push There is a feeling of tension and still not coming out, stools are soft, not hard, moldy but broken. I always drink water after waking up and after drinking water go to the toilet every day in the morning. So the doctor asked me after hemorrhoid removal to have a bowel movement, is it because the anus is narrow? Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Thank you sincerely!
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What is the success rate of anal stenosis surgery?
I have anal stenosis after hemorrhoid surgery and have cut the sphincter at 3 and 9 o'clock. I had surgery 4 months ago. Can anal stenosis after hemorrhoid surgery go away on its own? If surgery to treat anal stenosis, what is the success rate? Looking forward for your advices. I would like to thank you.
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What should a 2-year-old child with anal stenosis do and at this age can the child have surgery?
Hi doctor! May I ask, what should a 2-year-old child with anal stenosis do and at this age can he have surgery? Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Thank you sincerely!
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Difficulty defecation after injection of hemorrhoids what to do to improve?
I have treated hemorrhoids in oriental medicine, the doctor used the method of hemorrhoid atrophy. After 45 days the wound was not completely healed but it was fine. However, I have a bowel movement cycle of 1 day, but sometimes I stop for 1 day, I can't go on the third day, I can't pass, I have to take medicine and bleed again and again, so I have pain. I ate all vegetables and didn't even dare to eat rice and took dufalac every day and had to pump my anus. Ask your doctor to advise you to help defecate after hemorrhoid atrophy what to do to improve?
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Stomach pain with difficulty passing stool is a sign of what disease?
Not long ago, I had a stomach ache, when I ate and when I was hungry, I felt pain, the epigastrium, the navel area was hot and hard, fullness, gas, indigestion. Last year, I was diagnosed with HP positive, so far I have not been examined again. The doctor asked me, what is the sign of stomach pain with difficulty passing stools?
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Female anal stenosis, blood in the stool, how to treat?
I have had 2 longo hemorrhoid surgery, sclerotherapy and electrocautery. Just had electrocautery surgery to patch anal ulcer for more than 1 month. Currently, when having a bowel movement, it is painful and sometimes bleeding. The anus is very narrow, the stools are very small. So the doctor told me how to treat women with anal stenosis and bloody stools? Should anal dilatation? I thank the doctor.
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Can anal stenosis complications after hemorrhoid surgery be cured?
Hello doctor. 1 year ago, I had a protruding hemorrhoid with a round ball the size of a ball outside the anus and a mixed hemorrhoid, when I went to the doctor, the doctor advised me to cut hemorrhoids with a longo and said that this method is painless, no pain. sequelae, but they are completely opposite. Recently, I had difficulty in defecation and had burning pain even though I used the method of dilating the anus with a dilator before.
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Constipation after cutting hemorrhoids 5 months is anal narrowing?
I had hemorrhoid surgery 5 months ago, I try to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, sometimes it is difficult to go to the toilet, now it is very difficult to defecate in the past few days, sit for an hour, and have small flat stools. Please ask the doctor if constipation after cutting hemorrhoids 5 months has an anal stenosis? Thank you doctor.
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Difficulty passing stool after 5 months of hemorrhoid surgery is anal stenosis?
I had hemorrhoid surgery 5 months ago, I try to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, sometimes it is difficult to go to the toilet before. Nowadays, it is very difficult to defecate in the past few days, sitting for an hour, the stools are small and flat. So the doctor asked me if it was difficult to pass stools after 5 months of hemorrhoid surgery, is it an anal stenosis?
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anorectal malformations in neonates
Dị tật hậu môn trực tràng là dị tật bẩm sinh hiếm với triệu chứng điển hình là trẻ sinh ra không có lỗ hậu môn. Do đó, dị tật hậu môn trực tràng thường được chẩn đoán ngay sau khi sinh, khi bác sĩ kiểm tra sức khỏe của trẻ. Nguyên nhân chính xác gây ra dị tật hậu môn này vẫn chưa được tìm ra.
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Anal dilation for babies
Nong hậu môn là việc sử dụng thủ thuật ngoại khoa để nới rộng hậu môn giúp việc đại tiện ở trẻ sơ sinh dễ dàng và phục hồi các chức năng vốn có của hậu môn.
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