Home Tag Anal polyps

Articles in Anal polyps

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What's wrong with the flesh outside the anus swelling and pain?
I'm having a condition outside the anus (I don't know if it's external hemorrhoids or something else) and it's been swollen and painful for 2 days now.
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The appearance of a hard lump near the anus is a sign of what disease?
Recently, I discovered that near the anus there is a hard, non-moving lump, about the size of a chopstick tip, and it feels painful to touch. The body is sometimes tired as if it has no strength, sometimes it is healthy and normal. Last year, I had blood in my stools. I went to the doctor and he said that I was constipated, so my anal fissure was bleeding. The doctor asked me if a hard lump near the anus is a sign of what disease? I would like to consult a doctor about my medical condition. I sincerely thank!
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Is bloody stool an anal polyp?
I have anal fissure, after more than 1 month of treatment, the disease has not subsided, so I suspect that my disease is an anal polyp. I had bloody diarrhea and after I finished walking, I had a boiling feeling in my stomach with about 15 minutes, there was brown discharge. Yesterday, when I went, the blood was different from usual with my crack, it was closed but it was still there after walking. The doctor told me to ask if blood in the stool is an anal polyp? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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Constipation with lumps in the anus when having a bowel movement is what disease?
I am currently in 11th grade and am very constipated. Now, every time I go to the toilet, it is often difficult and I can feel something. After normalizing, it retracts back in and is not palpable. So the doctor asked me or constipation with lumps in the anus when having a bowel movement, what is the disease?
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Are anal polyps dangerous?
“Is it dangerous to have anal polyps” is an issue that receives a lot of attention. The fact is that only certain types of polyps (called adenomas) are more likely to become cancerous, while others (hyperplastic or inflammatory polyps) have virtually no chance of becoming malignancies. future.
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