Home Tag Anal inflammation

Articles in Anal inflammation

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How is rectal prolapse treated?
Hi doctor! I want to ask, how to treat anal canal inflammation (1st degree hemorrhoids?). In addition, it is common to have an apple when it first starts to go out, then it breaks down.
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Difficulty defecating and anal itching with swelling is hemorrhoids?
Hi doctor! Before, when I went to the bathroom, it was difficult for a while to see blood in the anus, when I went out, the condition decreased for a while. I went to the doctor, the doctor said there was no progress but only anal ulcer.
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What to do if urinating does not go away with anal prolapse?
I am 36 years old this year, 5 months ago I had a symptom of urinating with a feeling that it was not completely gone, no pain, no pain. Accompanied by the anus is prolapsed, must be pushed up with your hands, when you are sad to defecate, you have to hold back with abdominal pain, then it's over. 6 days ago, I had a pain in the lower left abdomen once a day. After that no more stomach pain. I hope the doctor advises if urinating does not go away with anal prolapse, what to do?
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Is colostomy bleeding dangerous?
Three children had bleeding in the colostomy 3 days ago. Now the bleeding is gone but there is pus and a big lump around the anus. The doctor asked me, is the colostomy bleeding dangerous?
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What medicine should be used for prolonged colitis and anal inflammation?
Dear doctor, I have anal inflammation and colitis for 4 years now. I took Western medicine and took a lot of Southern medicine but it was not completely cured. Do you have any medicine to apply or drink to cure the disease, please advise me. I really appreciate the doctor!
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Hemorrhoids, when to operate?
Hemorrhoids include internal and external hemorrhoids, the mechanism of formation and development of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids has similarities and differences, but they all cause inconveniences and certain effects on life. So when do you need hemorrhoid surgery?
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