Home Tag Anal bleeding

Articles in Anal bleeding

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Anal cancer treatments
Anal cancer is an uncommon cancer that occurs in the short tube at the end of the rectum that carries stool out of the body. Anal cancer is rare, but the number of new cases is on the rise.
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Having a history of hemorrhoids, having a lot of anal bleeding but no burning pain is it dangerous?
Hi doctor! My father has a long history of hemorrhoids but has not been able to go to the doctor and get treatment. Today, suddenly, his anal area was bleeding a lot, but it was not painful, so I was very worried. So the doctor asked me if I have a history of hemorrhoids, have a lot of anal bleeding but no burning pain, is it dangerous? Ask your doctor for advice and answers! Thank you sincerely!
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What causes a burning sensation in the anus during diarrhea?
Having diarrhea makes the body feel uncomfortable. Having a burning sensation or pain in the anus during bowel movements makes the problem worse. Read on to know what might be causing your burning diarrhea, how to treat it at home, and when to call your doctor for further testing.
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What to do if urinating does not go away with anal prolapse?
I am 36 years old this year, 5 months ago I had a symptom of urinating with a feeling that it was not completely gone, no pain, no pain. Accompanied by the anus is prolapsed, must be pushed up with your hands, when you are sad to defecate, you have to hold back with abdominal pain, then it's over. 6 days ago, I had a pain in the lower left abdomen once a day. After that no more stomach pain. I hope the doctor advises if urinating does not go away with anal prolapse, what to do?
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What are the causes of pain and bleeding in women when defecating?
I have anal pain while defecating. For the first few days, I only felt pain, then I saw bright red blood in drops after passing stools. I feel a burning pain, this condition has lasted for several months but still does not decrease, no other symptoms. So the doctor let me ask women what is the cause of pain, anal bleeding when defecating?
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How to completely treat hemorrhoids?
I'm suffering from hemorrhoids, I've had it removed once and now it's coming back. So the doctor asked me how to completely treat hemorrhoids?
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Or flatulence when having a bowel movement once a day is it okay?
In the past, I used to have a bowel movement every 2-3 days and felt light-headed, but after bleeding due to constipation, I changed the mode of bowel movements every day, but each time I went less and didn't feel light-headed. and frequent flatulence. So the doctor asked me if it's okay to have flatulence when having a bowel movement once a day? I have read that constipation is a risk of bowel obstruction, so I am very worried, hope the doctor can help me. Thank you doctor.
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Constipation with anal bleeding after giving birth, what to do?
I just gave birth to a baby just over a month ago (natural birth). I had a difficult bowel movement, constipation, so when I went to the toilet, the anal bleeding was difficult to heal. So the doctor asked me what to do with constipation with anal bleeding after giving birth?
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Purulent discharge after 6 months of anal abscess surgery what to do?
I operated on an anal abscess 6 months ago and it still did not heal, pus was still flowing from the wound and sometimes bleeding a lot. It often hurts when going to the toilet. Doctor let me ask, what should I do after 6 months of anal abscess surgery?
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Why does the anus bleed but no pain?
Anal bleeding can be a sign of a disease in the digestive tract, but it can also be due to diseases specific to the anorectal region such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures or malignancy rectum rectum. Anal bleeding is characterized by bright red or dark red blood coming out of the anus. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the cause of the bleeding. This is a common problem in outpatients, however, according to some reports, less than half of patients with anal bleeding seek medical attention and treatment promptly.
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Are rectal papillomas dangerous?
Hello doctor, Doctor, can I ask if rectal papillomas are dangerous? Can I take medicine or do I need surgery? Thank you.
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