Home Tag Amoebic liver abscess

Articles in Amoebic liver abscess

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Flagyl 250mg: Uses, dosage, side effects
Flagyl 250 mg belongs to the group of antibacterial and antiparasitic drugs. The drug is used in cases of infections with bacteria and parasites sensitive to the nitro 5-imidazol group. For each specific case, the use of the drug is different. Let's learn some characteristics of uses, dosage, side effects and notes when using flagyl 250mg drug through the article below.
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Complications caused by liver abscess
Liver abscess is the formation of pus due to the destruction of liver cells, causing many serious complications. Pus may appear alone or multiple foci with different sizes. So what complications can liver abscess cause and how dangerous?
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Features of liver abscess caused by amoeba
Liver abscess is a dangerous condition caused by many pathogens, the most common cause being amoeba. Amoebic liver abscess often has clinical manifestations that are relatively similar to other types, in order to recognize the need to perform paraclinical measures, thereby giving the right treatment.
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Can liver abscess be cured?
Liver abscess is a collection of pus in the liver caused by amoeba, bacterial or fungal infection, which leads to the formation of a solitary pus-filled fovea and scattered pus-filled foci in the liver. This condition is very common in tropical countries, including Vietnam. So is liver abscess dangerous and what methods are used to diagnose and treat this disease?
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