Home Tag Acute pancreatitis

Articles in Acute pancreatitis

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Zenpep medicine: Uses, indications and notes when using
Some diseases, especially related to the digestive system, make the body not produce enough enzymes needed, affecting health. At that time, the patient needs to be supplemented with digestive enzymes through many different products, including the drug Zenpep.
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Uses of Somargen
Somargen is indicated in the treatment of severe acute gastrointestinal bleeding, prevention of postoperative complications after pancreatic surgery, treatment of pancreatic fistula, acute pancreatitis,...
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Are pancreatic stones dangerous?
The pancreas is an important organ, secreting enzymes necessary for digestion. The presence of pancreatic stones not only obstructs the secretory ducts of enzymes but also causes pancreatitis. This is a dangerous complication that can cause multi-organ failure or sometimes life-threatening if not detected early and intervened promptly.
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Common pancreatic disorders
The pancreas plays many roles, it makes the insulin needed to regulate glucose and enzymes to digest food and absorb nutrients. When you have a pancreatic disorder, you may experience symptoms such as pain and bloating, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, malnutrition, etc.
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Is mumps in boys different from mumps in girls?
Quai bị là bệnh truyền nhiễm dễ lây lan qua đường hô hấp, thường gặp ở trẻ em. Bệnh gây nhiều biến chứng nguy hiểm thậm chí gây vô sinh nếu không được điều trị kịp thời.
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How many days will it take to get rid of mumps?
Bệnh quai bị là một bệnh lây nhiễm thường gặp, nhất là ở trẻ em. Bệnh gây nhiều triệu chứng khó chịu, mệt mỏi, ảnh hưởng rất nhiều đến công việc, cuộc sống và sức khỏe bệnh nhân.
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