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Articles in Acute myocarditis

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The dangers of myocarditis
The mortality rate is very high if acute myocarditis occurs but is not detected and treated in time. Myocarditis is very common in young people; it should be noted that cases of chest pain and dyspnea co-occur in the setting of an acute viral infection.
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Beware of acute viral myocarditis
Acute viral myocarditis causes severe myocardial damage. The disease progresses rapidly, if not promptly detected and intervened, it can be life-threatening, or leave irreversible damage.
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Cardiomyopathy surgery
Myocardial tumor is a rare disease that includes both primary and secondary tumors that have metastasized from other organs. Primary tumors in the heart muscle are mostly benign tumors, but emergency surgery is required because of the risk of blockages that impede blood flow in the heart, causing sudden death.
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Virus that causes myocarditis
Myocarditis is a dangerous acute disease caused by many different causes. Viral myocarditis is the most common causative agent, accounting for over 50% of all cases. The clinical setting of the disease is similar to that of a common viral infection, so it is easy to confuse and miss.
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Expression and emergency treatment of cardiogenic shock
Cardiogenic shock is one of the major causes of death, although it is a dangerous disease, very few people know about it. With immediate treatment, about half of people with cardiogenic shock survive.
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Does vaccination with Quimi Hib affect acute myocarditis?
Hi doctor! I want to ask, does the Quimi Hib vaccine affect acute myocarditis? I would like to thank the doctor.
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Diagnosis and treatment of myocarditis
Myocarditis is a medical condition in which the heart muscle becomes inflamed. Myocarditis can be chronic, or it can be sudden and acute. The disease, if prolonged, will weaken the heart muscle, reduce the contractility and pumping activity of the heart, affecting all body activities, even the risk of death. So how to diagnose myocarditis? How is myocarditis treated?
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How dangerous is acute myocarditis? Signs and Diagnosis
Myocarditis is one of the most dangerous heart diseases. This is a phenomenon where the heart muscle cells are damaged by many different agents leading to inflammation and necrosis of the heart muscle cells.
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Early recognition of acute myocarditis symptoms
Symptoms of acute myocarditis, such as chest pain and arrhythmias, are similar to those of other heart conditions. Therefore, early recognition and differentiation of signs of myocarditis play an important role for timely and correct treatment.
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Causes of acute heart failure in children
Acute heart failure (STC) refers to a rapid onset or worsening of the symptoms and/or signs of heart failure, which is life-threatening, often resulting in hospitalization, requiring emergency evaluation and treatment. /emergency. Acute heart failure is a relative term used to describe heart failure that progresses rapidly over hours to days. The clinical feature of STC is the presentation of acute circulatory failure with cardiogenic shock. The pathophysiological feature is total heart failure (both right and left heart failure).
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The causative agent of acute myocarditis
Myocarditis is an acute or chronic inflammatory disease of the heart, with the potential to cause myocardial necrosis. Acute myocarditis rarely occurs alone, but is often accompanied by inflammation of the endocardium and pericardium.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics