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Articles in Acute heart failure

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Management of acute heart failure and acute pulmonary edema: What you need to know
Acute heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome. Most patients with acute heart failure admitted to the hospital are in a state of excess fluid, with signs of blood stasis, or may experience hypotension and organ hypoperfusion.
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Acute heart failure and acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema
Acute heart failure and acute pulmonary edema due to heart disease are common diseases or also the consequences of diseases that damage the cardiovascular system, which are dangerous diseases that threaten the life of patients.
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Learn about congestive heart failure
Congestive heart failure is a condition in which the heart does not contract effectively, leading to reduced blood flow to the organs in the body, causing blood stasis in the peripheral venous system.
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Cardiovascular resuscitation: Treatment of acute heart failure has not improved with drugs
Acute heart failure is a cardiovascular emergency that requires urgent and appropriate treatment. In which the treatment of acute heart failure has not improved with drugs, there are many new effective treatment methods for patients.
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Cost of implanting left ventricular assist device (LAVD) for people with heart failure
Surgical implantation of left ventricular assist device helps patients with end-stage heart failure prolong life, improve patient quality of life due to improved heart failure symptoms.
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Causes of acute heart failure
Acute heart failure is the sudden onset of signs and symptoms of heart failure that requires urgent intervention. Besides the causes of acute heart failure, other predisposing factors may play a role in making the condition worse.
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Nutrition in the treatment of acute heart failure in children
In children, acute heart failure often progresses rapidly and severely while clinical signs are subtle, so rapid diagnosis and timely first aid management are difficult, especially in young children. . Nutrition and supportive care is one of the most important principles of acute heart failure treatment in children.
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Timely emergency when having acute heart failure but forgetting to take medicine?
Yes, doctor, if you have heart failure but forget to take your medicine but take it to the emergency room in time, can it be saved?
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Cardiovascular resuscitation: Diagnosis and management of acute heart failure
Acute heart failure including acute pulmonary edema or cardiogenic shock is a pathology in cardiovascular resuscitation. Acute heart failure usually has a primary onset of decompensated acute heart failure on the background of chronic heart failure. Diagnosis and management of acute heart failure should be carried out urgently and effectively. If not treated promptly, the patient can die quickly.
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Factors promoting rapid worsening of acute heart failure
Heart failure is the ultimate in cardiovascular disease. In which acute heart failure is a form of heart failure. There are many factors that promote the rapid worsening of acute heart failure, the need for emergency treatment, and the high mortality rate.
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Which is the best heart failure clinic in Hanoi?
Heart failure disease (acute heart failure or chronic heart failure) is a condition in which the heart does not work efficiently, does not supply enough oxygen needs to the organs in the body, is a consequence of many cardiovascular diseases, causing heart failure. The heart's ability to pump blood is reduced, leading to an inadequate supply of oxygen to the body. Although heart failure is the last stage of cardiovascular diseases, there are some cases that can be completely cured if detected early and treated properly.
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