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Articles in Acne

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Uses of Erystad
Erystad drug is indicated for the treatment of acne, cystic acne,... Adhering to the indications, the dose of Erystad will help patients improve the effectiveness of treatment and ensure safety for health.
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Uses of Medskin Zela
Acne is a painful problem for many women, especially during puberty. One of the fastest, effective acne treatments is topical medication. Medskin Zela is often used to treat freckles, dark spots, moles, melasma and other bad manifestations caused by hyperpigmentation of the skin.
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Uses of the drug Tilbec 10
Acne is an obsession of many people, most patients come to the doctor with the desire to be examined and indicated to use appropriate treatment measures, including the use of oral medication Tilbec 10mg. So what is Tilbec 10?
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Uses of Zenatane
Isotretinoin is used to treat severe cystic acne (also known as nodules) that has not responded to other treatments, including antibiotics. Besides the benefits of treating acne, Zenatane can have serious effects on women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Therefore, absolutely do not use Zenatane for the above subjects.
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What is acne and why is it difficult to treat?
There are many different types of acne, of which cystic acne is the most severe and time-consuming type of acne to treat. In addition, cystic acne not only causes loss of aesthetics but also causes us pain, affecting our daily activities.
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How do hormones affect your skin?
Sometimes, we notice that our skin suddenly breaks out in acne for a short period of time right before and during our menstrual period. This is because hormonal changes in the body affect the sebaceous glands, causing them to overwork and produce excess oil, clogging pores, leading to the formation of hormonal acne.
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Nose acne: Causes and treatment
The nose is one of the most common places for pimples to appear, because the pores on the nose are often larger and can become clogged more easily than other locations. Accordingly, people can take care of and prevent pimples on the nose to clear the pores.
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Is it really effective to clean blackheads with boiled eggs?
Blackheads on the face are a nightmare for many people. Among the many methods to remove blackheads, there is a method that does not damage the skin that many women whisper to each other: "the method of cleaning blackheads with boiled eggs". So is this method really effective in treating blackheads?
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Acne on cheeks: Causes and treatment
Cystic acne on the cheeks is always a nuisance, especially when it suddenly appears right before a date. Most people who have cystic acne on their cheeks will respond by using negative skin treatments such as popping pimples or by covering up the acne with layers of makeup. However, that can only make things worse if you do not understand the causes of cystic acne on the cheeks and treat it safely.
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Pupils with acne will go away on their own?
Among the problems that occur during puberty, acne is one of the common conditions that often occurs in many people. Although hormonal acne during puberty is not harmful to health, it has a significant impact on aesthetics and psychology, causing children to lose confidence when going out. Puberty acne can completely disappear after entering adulthood, but many young people do not get rid of acne or leave pockmarks with acne scars on their faces.
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Are lymph nodes behind the ear a cause for concern?
Enlarged lymph nodes behind the ear are considered an abnormal sign of the body. The appearance of enlarged lymph nodes is a warning that your health is having problems. Therefore, you need to be very careful when the body has enlarged lymph nodes in any organ, especially the ear lymph nodes. So what are enlarged lymph nodes behind the ear and is it dangerous? Please refer to this article for useful information about this condition.
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