Home Tag Abnormal bowel movements

Articles in Abnormal bowel movements

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Or abdominal pain around the navel with abnormal bowel movements is what disease?
About a week ago, my father often had abdominal pain around the navel and erratic bowel movements, sometimes loose, sometimes solid. So the doctor asked me, or abdominal pain around the navel with abnormal bowel movements, what is the disease? He still takes digestive enzymes regularly. Please advise, thank you doctor.
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What is epigastric abdominal pain accompanied by abnormal bowel movements?
I recently had abdominal pain from the epigastrium along the navel down. Occasionally there is blood in the stools dripping, sometimes there is blood mixed in the stool. Sometimes it's a little diarrhea, sometimes it's constipated. Feeling tired, sometimes headache. Weight is not affected, I am a bit overweight, at 100kg, 185cm tall.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics