Home Tag 2 year old child

Articles in 2 year old child

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How to explain obesity to children?
A overweight baby probably won't grow up to be an overweight child, but an obese child often grows up to be an obese adult.
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Normal neurological and motor development in children 13 - 48 months old
The following physical development assessment characteristics of the Vietnamese Ministry of Health for children from 13 to 48 months old will help parents monitor and evaluate their children's development most accurately.
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Taking care of children with hand, foot and mouth disease properly
Hand, foot and mouth disease is common in children under 5 years old and spreads quickly. The disease usually goes away on its own and does not affect the child's health too much. However, if children with hand, foot and mouth disease are not cared for properly, it can cause many dangerous complications for the child.
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Rectal prolapse in children: Treatment and prevention of recurrence
Rectal prolapse in children is commonly known as prolapse, which is the condition of the upper part of the rectum protruding through the anus to the outside. Rectal prolapse is common in children under 3 years old and adults over 50 years old.
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Acute liver failure in children: Causes, symptoms
Many parents are subjective when thinking that children are rare subjects with acute liver failure. However, acute liver failure in children has a mortality rate of up to 70%. Therefore, to be able to completely treat acute liver failure, it is necessary to pay attention to the causes and symptoms of the disease.
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Nutrition and diet for children after weaning
The diet for children after weaning plays a decisive role in their development. During this period, children are susceptible to malnutrition and disease if not properly and scientifically cared for.
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Anal fissure in children is worrisome?
Anal fissures in children are common in children from 6 to 24 months old, less common in older children. The disease often makes children uncomfortable because anal fissures cause pain and bleeding, however most cases heal on their own and can be treated at home. If symptoms do not improve or the fissure does not heal for a long time, it can become chronic, so parents should take their children to see a specialist for examination and care.
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Notes when practicing bottle feeding for babies
Switching from breastfeeding to bottle feeding often makes babies uncomfortable because the nipples are not the same. Many babies even react very strongly, crying or skipping meals. So how to effectively train babies to drink from a bottle without affecting their health and spirit?
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When should babies drink fresh milk?
Fresh milk is always given to children by parents every day because it has an attractive taste, is convenient, and especially contains many nutrients that help children grow taller and strengthen the immune system. However, if not drunk properly and at the right time, fresh milk will have a negative impact on children's health.
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Help me stop stuttering
Stuttering affects children's communication and learning. If not promptly adjusted or adjusted incorrectly, it can make the child's condition worse. Stuttering in children can be completely overcome if parents know how and persistently guide their children to practice.
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Children 24 months old: Nutrition and dental care
Children at 24 months of age will have significant changes not only in height and weight, but they will also become more active and observant as well as ask more questions. Therefore, this is the stage when parents also closely monitor their children's nutrition and oral care.
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