HomeProfessionals Specialist Level 2 Doctor, Specialist To Van Thai
Specialist Level 2 Doctor, Specialist
To Van Thai

Dr. Thai has over 34 years of experience in the field of anesthesia - emergency resuscitation and is currently a doctor at the Emergency Department of Vinmec Hai Phong International Hospital

Emergency physician
  • Perform anesthesia for surgery
  • Resuscitation after surgery
  • Emergency Resuscitation

Attained certificate of medical specialist II in 2015 – Hai Phong Medical University

Attained certificate in anesthesia – resuscitation in 1993 – Ha Noi Medical University

May 2018: Working in Vinmec Hai Phong International Hospital

12/1984 - 3/2018: Worked in Viet Nam-Czech Friendship Hospital in Hai Phong

  • Study on treatment of myocardial infarction with Streptokinase thrombolysis at Viet Nam Czech Friendship hospital - Vice chair of the project - City-level project in 2004

  • Research on hospital infection at the External Resuscitation Department of Viet Nam- Czech Hospital in Hai Phong in 2009 - 2010 - Scientific Secretary - City - level project in 2010

  • Study of acute renal failure due to acute Rhabdomyolysis in trauma at the cross-specialty department of Viet Nam Czech hospital in Hai Phong in 2010 - 2011 - Scientific secretary - City level project in 2012

  • Research on clinical characteristics in patients with pneumonia concerning mechanical ventilation in the ICU in Viet Nam Czech Friendship Hospital in 2014 - Co-author - Hospital topic

  • Study on the change of Procalcitonin concentration in patients with mechanical ventilation without pneumonia and ventilator-related pneumonia at ICU of Viet Nam Czech Friendship Hospital in Hai Phong in 2014 - Co-author – hospital level

  • Research on the technical application of continuous intracranial pressure monitoring for cranial trauma and severe cerebral vascular accident treatment at Viet Nam Czech Friendship Hospital in Hai Phong from 2014 to 2016 - Vice chair of the project, city-level in 2016