1978: Graduation in Medicine from Pécs Medical University, Hungary
1991: Basic Degree in Surgery Diploma
2001: Advanced Degree in Orthopaedic Surgery Diploma
2005: Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine
2009: Senior Consultant
Nguyen Dac Nghia, Ph.D graduated in medicine in 1978 from Pécs Medical School of Hungary. During the war, he served in the army as Military Medical Officer for 6 years. Dr Nghia than registered for the course of specialization in Orthopaedics in 1987. Since the year of 1989, he has become Orthopaedic Surgeon until now
1978: Graduation in Medicine from Pécs Medical University, Hungary
1991: Basic Degree in Surgery Diploma
2001: Advanced Degree in Orthopaedic Surgery Diploma
2005: Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine
2009: Senior Consultant
1981-1987: Military Medical Officer in Cambodia
1987 - 2011: Head of Orthopaedic Surgery Department of Saint Paul Hospital, Hanoi
2012 - Now: Head of Orthopaedic Surgery Unit, Vinmec Times City Hospital
Asian Orthopaedic Association (AOA)
Former Secretary-General of Vietnam Orthopaedic
Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association
Research trials approved by Hanoi Department of Sciences and Technology