HomeProfessionals Ph.D, Hoang Thanh Van
Hoang Thanh Van

Hoang Thanh Van, PhD is a senior Scientist in Cellular Manufacturing Department, VRISG. Beforehand, she was a Research Associate in Georg-Speyer-Haus, Institute for Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapy, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. She received her Bachelor and PhD degrees in Molecular biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry in University of Heidelberg, Germany. She has extensive experience in Stem Cell Research.

Stem Cell Researcher

12/2009 - 06/2014: PhD - University Hospital of Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germany. PhD thesis: “Cellular and Molecular Characterization of Hematopoietic  Stem Cells versus Leukemia Stem Cells”. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. med. Anthony D. Ho, Department of Internal  Medicine V, Hematology, Oncology and Rheumatology, University  Hospital of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. Title of qualification awarded: PhD (grade: Magna cum laude)

10/2004 - 12/2009: Diploma in molecular biology, cell  biology and biochemistry - University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. Diploma thesis:” Characterization of Interstitial Stem Cells in Hydra”. Supervision: Prof. Dr. Thomas Holstein, Centre for Organismal Studies  Heidelberg (COS), University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. Title of qualification awarded: Diploma (grade: very good)

10/2003 - 10/2004: Studienkolleg - University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. Preparation for the study in the university. Grade of the exam: good

09/1992 - 09/2003: School - High school diploma. Grade: very good

05/2020: Invited lecturer on “Cell Biology”, “Molecular Biology of Cancer” at VNU University of Science 

2020: Invited lecturer on “Cell Biology” at Thuyloi University, Hanoi, Vietnam

Supervisor of bachelor and master theses in Germany and Vietnam

Since 09/2018: Senior researcher - Cellular Manufacturing Department, Vinmec Research Institute of Stem Cell and Gene Technology. Coordinating the HAPCAR project to initiate CAR-T technology for patients with B cell malignancies in Vietnam and develop hematopoietic stem cell transplantation at Vinmec. Studying therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, diabetes, sexual hormone deficiency in clinical trials and investigating the underlining mechanisms. Supervising technical assistants and graduate/undergraduate students. Teaching activities

08/2016 - 06/2018: Research associate - Research groups of Prof. Dr. Martin Zoernig and Prof. Dr. Daniela S. Krause. Georg-Speyer-Haus, Institute for Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapy, Frankfurt am Main, German. Main projects: 

Analysis and targeting of the oncogenic function of FUBP1 in leukemia initiating cells 

Investigation of the role of long non-coding RNA Malat-1 in leukemia initiating cells 

Researched on the function of the transcription regulator FUBP1 and the long non-coding RNA Malat-1 in the leukemia stem cells in chronic and acute myeloid leukemia on cellular and molecular level 

Tested the potential of a FUBP1 inhibitor as a therapeutic drug in leukemia 

Applied for animal experiments 

Supervised undergraduate and graduate students

12/2009 - 07/2016: Research associate - Research group of Prof. Dr. med. Anthony D. Ho. Department of Internal Medicine V (Hematology, Oncology and Rheumatology), University Hospital of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyMain projects: 

Separation and characterization of hematopoietic stem cells versus leukemia stem cells derived from patients with acute myeloid leukemia using aldehyde dehydrogenase 

Quantitative analysis of the rolling behavior of healthy hematopoietic progenitors and AML CD34+ blasts mediated by the CD44 and hyaluronic acid axis 

Researched on blood stem cells: developing ideas, search for literature, planning the milestones, performing experiments, data analysis and preparation of publications  

Successful isolation of normal hematopoietic stem cells and leukemia stem cells derived from the same patients with acute myeloid leukemia

In vitro and in vivo study for characterization of their stem cell properties 

Analyzed the interaction of stem cells with their environment

Managed a leukemia biobank: sample recruitment, stem cell isolation, storage, and documentation including informed consents

Supervised students and technical assistants

05/2008 - 01/2009: Student job - Research group of Prof. Dr. Harald  Herrmann-Lerdon. German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany. Project: Functions of Lamins in the Nuclear Membrane:

Cloning and subcloning of vectors 

Transfection of human cells 


Standard and confocal microscopy of living and fixed materials

Protein methods: Western-Blot, ELISA, in vitro protein expression, protein purification

02/2008 - 04/2008: Research assistant - Research group of Dr. Ada Olins and Dr. Donald Olins. Bowdoin College, Brunswick,  Maine, USA. Project: Characterization of the LINC Complex in the Hematopoietic Nuclear Envelope during Differentiation:

Differentiation of leukemia cell lines using retinoic acid, vitamin D3, and phorbol ester 


Immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy


Fourteen publications (four first authorships, one last authorship, and nine co-authorships) in peer reviewed journals. (* First author, # corresponding author) 

  • Dam, P. T. M.*, Hoang, V. T.*, Bui, H. T. H., Hang, L. M., Hoang, D. M., Nguyen, H. P., Lien, H. T., Tran,  H. T. T., Nguyen, X.-H., & Nguyen Thanh, L.# (2021). Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells  Exhibit High HLA-DR Levels and Altered Cellular Characteristics under a Xeno-free and Serum-free  Condition. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports.  
  • Hoang, D. M., Nguyen, K. T., Hoang, V. T., Dao, L. T. M., Bui, H. T., Ho, T. T. K., Nguyen, T. T. P., Ngo,  A. T. L., Nguyen, H. K., & Nguyen, L. T. (2021). Clinical study of mesenchymal stem/stromal cell therapy  for the treatment of frailty: A proposed experimental design for therapeutic and mechanistic investigation.  The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, glab326.  
  • Ngo, A. T. L., Le, H. M., Trinh, N. T. H., Jun, A. P. G., Bach, T. Q., Bui, H. T. H., Hoang, V. T., Bui, A. V.,  Nguyen, L. T., & Hoang, D. M. (2021). Clinically relevant preservation conditions for mesenchymal  stem/stromal cells derived from perinatal and adult tissue sources. Journal of Cellular and Molecular  Medicine, jcmm.17016.  
  • Nguyen, L. T., Hoang, D. M., Nguyen, K. T., Bui, D. M., Nguyen, H. T., Le, H. T. A., Hoang, V. T., Bui, H.  T. H., Dam, P. T. M., Hoang, X. T. A., Ngo, A. T. L., Le, H. M., Phung, N. Y., Vu, D. M., Duong, T. T.,  Nguyen, T. D., Ha, L. T., Bui, H. T. P., Nguyen, H. K., … Bui, A. V. (2021). Type 2 diabetes mellitus duration and obesity alter the efficacy of autologously transplanted bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem/stromal  cells. STEM CELLS Translational Medicine. 
  • Nguyen, M. Q., Bui, H. T. H., Tuyet, A. N. T., Nhung, T. T. H., Hoang, D. M., Liem, N. T., & Hoang, V. T.# (2021). Comparative Bioactivity Analysis for Off-the-Shelf and Culture–Rescued Umbilical Cord-Derived  Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells in a Xeno- and Serum-Free Culture System. Cell Transplantation, 30,  096368972110394.  
  • Hoang, V. T.*, #, Trinh, Q.-M., Phuong, D. T. M., Bui, H. T. H., Hang, L. M., Ngan, N. T. H., Anh, N. T. T.,  Nhi, P. Y., Nhung, T. T. H., Lien, H. T., Nguyen, T. D., Thanh, L. N., & Hoang, D. M.# (2020). "Standardized  xeno- and serum-free culture platform enables large-scale expansion of high-quality mesenchymal  stem/stromal cells from perinatal and adult tissue sources." Cytotherapy. 
  • Nguyen, L. T., Trieu, T. T. H., Bui, H. T. H., Hoang, V. T., Nguyen, A. T. T., Trinh, N. T. H., Nguyen, K.  T., & Hoang, D. M. (2020). "Allogeneic administration of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal  stem/stromal cells for bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Preliminary outcomes in four Vietnamese infants." Journal of Translational Medicine, 18(1), 398.  
  • Hoang, V. T.*, D. Verma, P. S. Godavarthy, P. Llavona, M. Steiner, K. Gerlach, B. E. Michels, H.  Bohnenberger, A. Wachter, T. Oellerich, U. Muller-Kuller, E. Weissenberger, J. M. Voutsinas, V. G. Oehler,  H. F. Farin, M. Zornig and D. S. Krause (2019). The transcriptional regulator FUBP1 influences disease  outcome in murine and human myeloid leukemia. Leukemia, 33(7):1700-1712.  
  • Wang, W., T. Stiehl, S. Raffel, V. T. Hoang, I. Hoffmann, L. Poisa-Beiro, B. R. Saeed, R. Blume, L. Manta,  V. Eckstein, T. Bochtler, P. Wuchter, M. Essers, A. Jauch, A. Trumpp, A. Marciniak-Czochra, A. D. Ho and  C. Lutz (2017). Reduced hematopoietic stem cells frequency predicts outcome in acute myeloid leukemia.  Haematologica, 102(9):1567-1577. 
  • V.T. Hoang*, E. C. Buss, W. Wang, I. Hoffmann, S. Raffel, A. Zepeda-Moreno, N. Baran, P. Wuchter, V.  Eckstein, A. Trumpp, A. Jauch, A. D. Ho and C. Lutz (2015). The rarity of ALDH(+) cells is the key to  separation of normal versus leukemia stem cells by ALDH activity in AML patients. Int J Cancer, 137(3):525- 536. 
  • Hanke, M., I. Hoffmann, C. Christophis, M. Schubert, V. T. Hoang, A. Zepeda-Moreno, N. Baran, V.  Eckstein, P. Wuchter, A. Rosenhahn and A. D. Ho (2014). Differences between healthy hematopoietic  progenitors and leukemia cells with respect to CD44 mediated rolling versus adherence behavior on  hyaluronic acid coated surfaces. Biomaterials, 35(5):1411-1419. 
  • V. T. Hoang*, I. Hoffmann, K. Borowski, A. Zepeda-Moreno, D. Ran, E. C. Buss, P. Wuchter, V. Eckstein  and A. D. Ho (2013). Identification and separation of normal hematopoietic stem cells and leukemia stem  cells from patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Methods Mol Biol, 1035:217-230. 
  • Lutz, C., V. T. Hoang, E. Buss and A. D. Ho (2013). Identifying leukemia stem cells--is it feasible and does  it matter? Cancer Lett, 338(1):10-14. 
  • V. T. Hoang*, A. Zepeda-Moreno and A. D. Ho (2012). Identification of leukemia stem cells in acute myeloid  leukemia and their clinical relevance. Biotechnol J, 7(6):779-788. 
  • Zepeda-Moreno, A., R. Saffrich, T. Walenda, V. T. Hoang, P. Wuchter, S. Sanchez-Enriquez, A. Corona Rivera, W. Wagner and A. D. Ho (2012). "Modeling SDF-1-induced mobilization in leukemia cell lines."  Exp Hematol, 40(8):666-674. 
  • Zepeda-Moreno, A., I. Taubert, I. Hellwig, V. Hoang, L. Pietsch, V. K. Lakshmanan, W. Wagner and A. D.  Ho (2011). Innovative method for quantification of cell-cell adhesion in 96-well plates. Cell Adh Migr, 5(3):215-219. 
  • Watanabe H, Hoang VT, Mättner R, Holstein TW (2009). Immortality and the base of multicellular life:  Lessons from cnidarian stem cells. Semin Cell Dev Biol., 20(9):1114-1125. 
  • Olins, A. L., T. V. Hoang, M. Zwerger, H. Herrmann, H. Zentgraf, A. A. Noegel, I. Karakesisoglou, D.  Hodzic and D. E. Olins (2009). The LINC-less granulocyte nucleus. Eur J Cell Biol, 88(4):203-214. 


  • Fourteen presentations (six oral presentations and eight posters) on international and national conferences and meetings