HomeProfessionals Bachelor, Ha Luong Thi Thanh
Ha Luong Thi Thanh

Technician Luong Thi Thanh Ha joined Vinmec - High-tech Center in 2021. Previously, KTV Luong Thi Thanh Ha had 3 years of experience working at the Institute of Biotechnology - Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Male

Biobank Technician
  • Cultivation and proliferation of stem cells from umbilical cord tissue for storage
  • Implement techniques for collecting and processing umbilical cord blood, separating and culturing stem cells for storage

2022-present: Work as Technician at Vinmec Tissue Bank, pursuing Master's Degree at Graduate University of Science and Technology Hanoi

2021-2022: Worked as Collaborator at Vinmec Tissue Bank

2017-2021: Achieved Bachelor's Degree from University of Science and Technology Hanoi

2020-2021: Research intern at Institute of Gene Research, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology. 2021- present: work as Technician at Vinmec Tissue Bank

2019-2020: Research intern at Institute of Biotechnology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology

Member of Vietnam Association of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy