14 - 16th May 2018: Yttrium-90 Resin microspheres selective internal radiation therapy dosimetry training, Singapore general hospital, Singapore.
20 - 24th April 2018: 12th Congress of the world federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Melbourne, Australia.
13 - 16th September 2017: World Molecular Imaging Congress, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
October 05th - 09th, 2015: The International Conference on Clinical PET-CT and Molecular Imaging (IPET 2015): PET-CT in the era of multimodality imaging and image-guided therapy, Vienna, Austria.
18th June - 06th July 2012: RCARO/UNDP Regional training on SPECT/PET-CT Imaging science and technology, Seoul National University Bundang hospital, South Korea.
February - May 2010: Applications of PET/CT in Oncology, IAEA fellowship, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, USA.
10th - 14th November 2007: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) applications in clinical management of patients, IAEA/RCA regional training course, Bangkok, Thailand.
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017: Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine in Osaka, Yokohama, Nagoya city, Japan.