1997: Graduated as a General Doctor of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
2001: Graduated as a Doctor of Specialization in Pediatrics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
2013: Graduated as a Doctor of Pediatrics II majoring in Neonatology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
1998: Certificate of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Diseases issued by the Training Center of City Health Workers. HCM level.
2000: Certificate of English language proficiency C level at Pedagogical University.
2007: Lecturer in emergency obstetrics - essential neonatal care -BYT.
2016: Lecturer on Kangaroo method - City SYT. HCM.
06/2017: Lecturer in Advanced Neonatal Resuscitation - under the Neonatal Resuscitation program of the American Pediatric Society NRP.