Obstetrics department - Vinmec Times city International Hospital

Obstetrics department - Vinmec Times city International Hospital
Home Hospitals & Clinics Obstetrics department - Vinmec Times city International Hospital

Obstetrics department - Vinmec Times city International Hospital

458 Minh Khai, Vinh Tuy, Hanoi


Department of Obstetrics, is one of the grandest departments at Vinmec Times City hospital and has extended the reputation since the first days of its establishment in 2012. In July 2019, the department of is affiliated to The Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology and has take responsibility for developing the Center to the most comprehensive and advance one in Vietnam.
The international collaboration expansion of department of obstetrics is not only giving chances to the patients in Vietnam to be directly consulted and operated but also affirming its professionalism following international standard. By this, the goal of reaching world class has gradually materialized.

Functions and Missions:

  • Examination and management of normal pregnancy 

  • Consulting and providing pregnancy care services

  • Examination and management of high risk and pathological pregnancy:

    • Twins, multiple pregnancy
    • Placenta praevia, Placenta accreta
    • Risk of miscarriage and preterm labor
    • Pregnant women with medical condition (thyroid disease during pregnancy, diabetes, hepatobiliary diseases, infection during pregnancy)
    • Pre-eclampsia pathology
    • Pregnancy with ovarian tumors, pregnancy with uterine fibroids
    • Cancer pathology during pregnancy
    • Pregnancy with fetal pathology (birth defects).

