Your 15-month-old's behavior: More tantrums!

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When your baby is 15 months old, this is the month when he will become more proficient at moving and will increase his walking speed a bit. Falls are common, but parents should observe and anticipate when not to stray too far from their child's side. Make sure you give your toddler plenty of comfort and cuddles when they are in pain or discomfort. One of the strongest emotional responses children need to feel from their parents is empathy. Avoid feeling as if you're spoiling your toddler by showing them you're there when they're hurt. This is the time when children will seek reassurance from their parents. However, this is also a time that causes a lot of trouble for you. In this article, we will provide useful information so that parents and caregivers can understand the behavior of a 15-month-old baby and how to avoid distress from the baby.

1. Child behavior in the 15th month: More incidents

The first bad news for parents of children who are about to enter the 15th month of life is this: Children's temperaments during this period are erratic and very excitable. One good thing, however: A child's expressions of anger or frustration at this stage are usually short-lived. Of course, it seems children are intentionally choosing times that really embarrass their parents, such as screaming when the family is dining at a fancy restaurant or crying when their parents are in the middle of nowhere. at the airport to see a loved one off. One reason children appear to be more excitable in public is simply that they are overstimulated in the face of unfamiliar people, bright lights and loud noises at the same time can be too much. strength for children. When parents go out and try to do their jobs, children know that they are no longer getting their parents' full attention, that is what they want more than anything else so they will try. try to do everything possible just to attract the attention of parents as well as those around

Tính khí của trẻ trong giai đoạn này thay đổi thất thường và rất dễ bị kích động
Tính khí của trẻ trong giai đoạn này thay đổi thất thường và rất dễ bị kích động

2. What to do about the behavior of a 15-month-old baby

Parents can often avoid bouts of chore boredom by staying as emotionally connected to their kids as possible, despite all the chores they have to do - this will do increase the emotional bond between parents and children and make work enjoyable. Just do the work and combine with some games with the children like hide and seek or teach them good songs and tell them stories. That way, kids will feel like they're being cared for, even when their parents are busy with other things, and that's all they need. But tantrums are inevitable, for both children and their parents. Children who are struggling to get through a difficult period in their physical and emotional development will likely need some relief time each day.
Parents may have to try several methods until they find a way to deal with anger that works for them. Try to pick him up and hold him quietly until he calms down and calms down - don't yell at him or try to put his hand down, this will only make him more upset and scream or cry louder. . Take the child to a place where he can lie still on the ground or in the car, while you sit next to him warmly and reassure him that you love him very much. If the child's parents are at home and it's too difficult for them to stay and hear him cry, leave the room. Take a moment to calm down by taking a few deep breaths or drinking a glass of water. Then go back to your baby and let her know that you are there to help calm her down and keep her safe.
If a child's behavior can attract attention from other adults around, the parent may be embarrassed, but the child enjoys it and the child may continue to scream or cry louder . The best solution for young parents in this situation is to grind their teeth and smile while taking their child away from the place.

Trẻ đang phải cố gắng để vượt qua giai đoạn khó khăn trong sự phát triển về cả thể chất và cảm xúc
Trẻ đang phải cố gắng để vượt qua giai đoạn khó khăn trong sự phát triển về cả thể chất và cảm xúc

3. Other changes in behavior of 15-month-old babies

15-month-old babies begin to have a tendency to find their limits and overcome them. One of the most important issues for a person as a parent is to set limits for his or her children. Sometimes parents can feel like they are breaking the rules they have set in the family, but the next time they see their child starting to do something they ask them to do. do not do, consider this process. For example, children will start to climb over the sink, which parents have asked them not to do a few times, but they will keep an eye on their parents the whole time. While parents may think kids are simply trying to challenge themselves, kids are actually checking on their parents and waiting for them to come in only to say, "Stop, that's enough."
Remember that many of the seemingly challenging and disruptive behaviors of a 15-month-old are related to their overall development. When they use crayons to write or scribble on the countertop, they may not know they're damaging a piece of furniture, but are just enjoying their budding fine motor skills. And when children refuse to go to sleep, it is simply because they realize that being with their parents is really so enjoyable that they don't want to sleep for fear of missing out on something interesting. Establishing routines for children, such as bathing and reading before bed, and giving children plenty of opportunities to test their skills such as “scrawling” for example, will help parents relax. relax and be less frustrated during this stage.
Children entering the 15th month of life can bring their parents much more trouble than before. At this stage, the child's temperament changes erratically and the child is also very excitable, especially when going out with the family to have meals in formal places or shopping in crowded stores or supermarkets. Like other stages, this stage of children's behavior is mainly to attract the attention of parents or those around them. Therefore, parents should also not get angry with children because that only makes things worse, instead show children that parents still care and pay attention to them at all times.

Hãy cho trẻ thấy cha mẹ vẫn luôn quan tâm và chú ý tới chúng trong mọi thời điểm
Hãy cho trẻ thấy cha mẹ vẫn luôn quan tâm và chú ý tới chúng trong mọi thời điểm
In addition, 15-month-old children need 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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