Winter care tips for psoriasis

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Winter is a favorable season for psoriasis to develop. To know how to take care of your skin to prevent psoriasis when winter comes, you should use some simple tips that are easy to apply in daily life.

1. Moisturize the skin

Dry air can dry out your skin, triggering scabs. To keep the skin moist, you should choose ointments instead of thin creams. You should apply the cream immediately after bathing or showering to keep the skin moist.

2. Drink more water

Keep hydration high during the cold months to help keep your body and skin healthy. If you are not in the habit of drinking a lot of water, use a water bottle. Carrying a water bottle can help you drink slowly and refill your water reservoir before long trips, or other situations where water is not readily available. You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

Đảm bảo cơ thể bạn đủ nước để bảo vệ bản thân khỏi bệnh vảy nến
Đảm bảo cơ thể bạn đủ nước để bảo vệ bản thân khỏi bệnh vảy nến

3. Use a humidifier

Indoor air can make you feel dry. Turn on a humidifier in the rooms you use the most (usually the bedroom) to create a humid environment, keeping your skin moist.

4. Wear layers of clothes

When the temperature is low, many people choose for themselves a bulky, convenient jacket. However, to keep your skin really warm, you need to wear layers. You should also pay attention, the layer directly touching the body must be a soft, breathable cotton fabric that will not scratch or cause itching.

5. Flu shot

Winter is the flu season. Psoriasis and its medications can increase your risk of getting the flu. That's why getting a flu shot is so important. However, the opposite can also happen, the flu vaccine can also trigger psoriasis. So you need to talk to your doctor before getting the vaccine.
Vinmec International General Hospital is currently providing flu vaccination services. Choosing to vaccinate at Vinmec 100% Customers will be monitored before, during and after vaccination, a team of professional doctors has an effective way to reduce pain for customers during the vaccination process. In particular, all vaccines at Vinmec are imported and preserved in a modern cold storage system, with a cold chain that meets GSP standards, keeping vaccines in the best conditions to keep the vaccine in good condition. quality assurance.

6. Stress relief

Winter is a dry, cold season and a season of festivals, busy work at the end of the year, making you prone to stress, creating favorable conditions for psoriasis to arise. To keep your body relaxed, you should avoid cramming work schedules, do not eat too many foods and drinks. Instead, you should try activities that help reduce stress such as meditation and deep breathing.

7. Avoid harsh cleansers

Use gentle, moisturizing cleansers instead of cleansers that cause exfoliation. Fragrance-free products are skin-friendly. Therefore, you should avoid using products with too much fragrance.

8. Maintain physical activity

Tập thể dục mỗi ngày có thể hạn chế nguy cơ bùng phát bệnh vẩy nến
Tập thể dục mỗi ngày có thể hạn chế nguy cơ bùng phát bệnh vẩy nến
Exercising every day can reduce the risk of psoriasis flare-ups. If it's too cold outside, you should choose indoor workouts like the gym. In addition, you can also choose to walk at the shopping centers. Physical activity can help blood circulation, tone muscles, maintain a healthy body.

9. Mental health monitoring

Psoriasis may increase the risk of depression. Especially with winter weather, when the body becomes inactive. Therefore, you should check yourself for signs of depression such as lack of interest in activities, lack of energy, frequent irritability. Talk to your doctor about possible treatments.

10. Limit showering

Showering through the faucet can cause dry skin, especially hot showers. Therefore, you should shower in the tub instead of under the faucet. In this way, you can both remove dirt and retain moisture for your body.

11. Keep warm

You should take measures to protect your skin from cold air such as wearing a scarf to protect your face and neck, gloves to warm your hands, and a hat to keep your scalp warm. You should also choose to wear waterproof shoes to keep your feet dry and clean.

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