When is dengue fever completely cured?

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My sister has a 7-year-old child who has been treated for dengue fever, now it is the 6th day, the fever has stopped and the child has started eating and drinking again but the skin spots have not disappeared. It is not clear if the baby is completely healed. Ask the doctor to help me when will I be completely cured of dengue fever? Should my family continue to take the medicine because I have been taking it for up to 6 days.
Le Thu Hang

Hi there! Dengue fever has a variety of clinical manifestations, ranging from mild to severe. Dengue fever usually lasts 7-10 days, divided into three stages.
When the dengue fever is completely cured depends on many factors such as the patient's condition, care regimen, resistance... Therefore, when the dengue fever is completely cured, each person has a period of time. difference.
Usually, the disease progresses in three stages: the febrile phase, the critical phase, and the recovery phase.
Stage 1: The fever phase lasts for the first 3 days of the disease with the following symptoms: The patient has a sudden high fever of 39-40 degrees Celsius. Fatigue, headache, pain in the eye sockets, pain in the joints, body aches and pains, there may be inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Loss of appetite, feeling nauseous and vomiting. Congestive skin, may manifest as petechiae under the skin.
Stage 2: Critical stage (or hemorrhagic phase): Usually on the 3rd - 7th day of the disease. Manifestations of fever may decrease or remain feverish, signs of bleeding from mild to severe, there are various bleeding manifestations (due to thrombocytopenia in the blood), a stage where many complications occur.
Stage 3: Recovery phase: The patient has no fever for more than 48 hours, less fatigue, overall better, more appetite and urination, Platelet test begins to increase. Dengue is self-healing, the drugs used for dengue patients are mainly to treat symptoms such as antipyretic, rehydration and electrolytes, anti-bleeding, anti-circulatory failure (if any).
Advised by Resident Doctor of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Hai Phong General Hospital

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