What is your nipple type? 24 other facts about nipples

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There are 4 to 8 different types of nipples. Your nipples may be flat, inverted, protruding, or unsorted. However, it is completely normal for the nipples to go inward instead of protruding out.

1. Women's health is diagnosed through nipples

The color of the nipple is a factor that doctors and nurses consider when commenting on women's health.
In 1671, English midwife Jane Sharp published a book called "The Midwives Book or the Whole Art of Midwifry". According to a course on the female body at Stanford, Sharp once wrote: “Nipples are as red as strawberries after intercourse, this is the natural color of nipples. But a woman's nipples while breastfeeding are blue and they grow black as they age."

2. What is your nipple type?

There are 4 to 8 different types of nipples. Nipple types can include flat, indented, protruding, or ungraded.
However, it is completely normal for the nipple to fall inward instead of protruding out.
Inverted nipples tend to disappear after they breastfeed. Stimulation, massage, or use of cold temperatures can also temporarily cause nipples to protrude.

Các loại núm vú có thể bao gồm phẳng, thụt vào trong, nhô ra hoặc không phân loại.
Các loại núm vú có thể bao gồm phẳng, thụt vào trong, nhô ra hoặc không phân loại.

3. Nipple is different from areola

The position of the nipple is in the central part of the breast, which is linked to the mammary glands and is the place where milk is produced. The areola is the wider, darker area that surrounds the nipple.

4. You can have two nipples on one areola

There are people who have two nipples on one areola and this is called double nipple. Depending on the milk duct system, both nipples may secrete milk, but it will be more difficult for the baby to latch on.

5. Nipple hair is real

Small bumps around nipples are hair follicles that both men and women have. So nipple hair growth is real. These hairs can look dark and sparse, thinner than other hairs on the body. However you can pluck, trim, erase or scrape if they bother you.

6. Average nipple height is about the size of a ladybug

According to a study in 2009, statistics with 300 nipples and areola of women, the results show that the average diameter of the areola is 4 cm, it is slightly smaller than a golf ball . The average diameter of the nipple is 1.3 cm and is similar to the width of an AA battery; The average height of the nipple is 0.9 cm, which corresponds to the size of a ladybug.

7. Breast milk is the best formula for babies

During the Renaissance, aristocratic women used nannies to care for their children. However, by the early 20th century, infant formula was considered more ideal, but doctors realized that formula could never provide all of the same ingredients as breast milk. So, nowadays most people breastfeed their babies, especially during the first 6 months of life.

8. Nipple pain is common in women

Nipple pain is common in women, especially nursing mothers. There are various reasons, including positioning problems while breastfeeding. Nipple pain or tenderness also affects non-breastfeeding women, and this could be a symptom of PMS or other hormonal changes.
Nipple cancer also causes pain but is very rare, you should not be subjective but go to the doctor to check if the pain persists or there is blood and discharge from the nipple.

Đau núm vú phổ biến ở phụ nữ, đặc biệt là các bà mẹ đang cho con bú.
Đau núm vú phổ biến ở phụ nữ, đặc biệt là các bà mẹ đang cho con bú.

9. Resizable nipples

Nipples can change in size and happen more often during pregnancy. According to a 2013 study of 56 pregnant women, their nipples grew both in length and width during the study and during pregnancy.

10. Abnormal nipple discharge

Nipple discharge on one or both sides can be a warning sign of health or symptoms of hypothyroidism and cysts.... But if you see blood coming from your nipples, see your doctor. doctor for an evaluation and proper nipple care and diagnosis.

11. "Ideal" Nipple Position

According to a study that polled 1,000 women and 1,000 men, they found the most preferred nipple position for both sexes to be in the middle of the longitudinal mammary gland and slightly tilted towards the breast. horizontally center. But that doesn't mean other nipple positions aren't ideal.

Vị trí núm vú được yêu thích nhất là ở giữa tuyến vú chiều dọc và hơi nghiêng về phía giữa theo chiều ngang.
Vị trí núm vú được yêu thích nhất là ở giữa tuyến vú chiều dọc và hơi nghiêng về phía giữa theo chiều ngang.

12. Nipple tattoo when breast reconstruction

Most people do not share their nipple shape, but this information is very useful for researchers and plastic surgeons when it comes to breast reconstruction. In breast reconstruction surgery, the areola tattoo is considered the final step. These tattoos are increasingly popular among those having nipple reconstruction surgery, as it is a relatively quick and simple procedure with visually realistic results.

13. No nipples

There is a rare condition that is born without nipples, this is called Athelia. To treat nipple absence, you will have breast reconstruction. Breast reconstruction surgery will be based on the habits and preferences of the body, the surgeon will remove tissue from the abdomen, back or buttocks.

14. Can have multiple nipples

In some cases there may be multiple nipples known as supernumerary nipples. It is estimated that 1 in 18 people has a case of extra nipples.
For example, a man has seven nipples, two of which are normal and five are extra, or a 22-year-old woman has nipples on her legs, which have fatty tissue, hair follicles and glands.

Một số trường hợp có thể có nhiều núm vú được gọi là núm vú siêu thừa.
Một số trường hợp có thể có nhiều núm vú được gọi là núm vú siêu thừa.

15. Nipples can crack

In a Brazilian study, about 32% of women reported having cracked nipples while breastfeeding during the first month postpartum. But if you're not breastfeeding, exercise can also cause redness, itching, or peeling of the nipple area. Therefore, choose the right sports bra size.

16. Nipple earrings can feel good

In a 2008 study of 362 people, 94% of men and 87% of women enjoyed nipple piercings. Of these, less than half said it was related to sexual satisfaction.

17. Nipple stimulation enhances sexual arousal

For most men and women, nipple stimulation is a rewarding foreplay. One study between the ages of 17 and 29 found that nipple stimulation increased sexual pleasure in 82% of women and 52% of men. Of these, only 7 to 8% said it reduced their arousal.

18. Color-changing nipples

You may have heard of color changes for nipples, but the conclusion to this is that experts agree and disagree. Although there are many theoretical tests on nipple color, it is not reliable, as your nipples will change color due to temperature, pregnancy and aging.

19. Nerves at nipples are different in women and men

Researchers in 1996 performed autopsies to study the nerve supply to the nipple and areola. They found that the nerves in the nipples of women were more extensive than those of men.

20. Breast surgery affects nipple sensitivity

Breast augmentation is an extremely common surgery but it causes loss of nipple sensation. A study from 2011 found that 75% of women surveyed experienced changes in sensation after breast augmentation surgery, while 62% experienced pain from touch.

Nâng ngực là một phẫu thuật cực kỳ phổ biến nhưng nó gây mất cảm giác của núm vú.
Nâng ngực là một phẫu thuật cực kỳ phổ biến nhưng nó gây mất cảm giác của núm vú.

21. Pimples Around Nipples

Montgomery's gland has the scientific name of polar gland. Glands in the breast secrete a fluid called a lipoid to help keep the entire areola and nipple area lubricated. However, if the secretion is too much, it can lead to pimples around the nipples.

22. Lactating women can start lactation naturally if they hear or think about their baby

For some mothers, nipples may start to release milk naturally when they hear a cry or think about their baby. Mothers whose babies are in the NICU and are too preterm or sick to eat have more success lactation if they have pictures of their baby nearby.

23. Attractive pacifiers look sexier

According to a study by the University of Nebraska, men and women have similar eyes and ways of looking at women. They quickly looked at breasts and “other sexual organs” before moving on to other areas of the body.

24. Men's nipples can produce milk

Men's nipples can produce milk, this phenomenon is called hemorrhage, but this case is very rare and affects health and daily life.
Some experts suggest that the cause is usually a large hormone surge. Older studies in the 1970s and '80s show similar milk-producing male profiles to breastfeeding women, but no more recent studies.
In summary, there are 8 different types of nipples and have many important functions. So, learn how to effectively care for your nipples and improve your health.

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Reference source: healthline.com
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