What is the risk of abnormal blood test results?

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Hello doctor,
I'm male, 26 years old this year. I had a blood test today and got the following results: Red blood cell count: 4.68 x 10^12; hemoglobin: 137g; Hematocrit: 0.427 L/LMCV 91.2 fm CH 29.3 pg MCHC 321g; Platelet count 199 x10^9; WBC count: 7.7 x 10^9; The composition of white blood cells (%) is neutrophil, acidophilic, and basophilic, respectively 52.1, 11.7 and 0.3, Mono 4.1, Lymphorus 31.8.
With the above results, I found that the indicators of red blood cells and platelets are quite good. About white blood cells, Lympho index 31.8% and Mono 4.1% I don't quite understand. I hope the private doctor can explain to me what is the risk of abnormal blood test results?
Anonymous customer
With the question “What is the risk of abnormal blood test results? ”, the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Peripheral blood cell total analysis will include red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Current conventional peripheral blood cell counters, when analyzing white blood cells, will give parameters: white blood cell count, percentage of white blood cells, absolute number of each type.
The total percentage of blood white blood cell types is 100%, your specific is: 52.1% neutrophils + 0.3% basophils + 11.7% eosinophils + 4.1% white blood cells mono + 31.8% lymphocytes = 100%. When doctors read the test results, if one or a combination of these percentages is higher or lower than the normal value (depending on the laboratory reference value), the initial assessment of the visitor is What tests are abnormal, or need monitoring and supportive testing to confirm.
In your case, the doctor found the percentage of eosinophils (11.7%) (normal value is (0.4 – 8.4%) and absolute number of eosinophils (11.7% x 7.7 =) 0.9 G/l) (normal value: 0.03 - 0.5 G/l) is slightly higher than normal Eosinophils are often elevated in cases of allergies, parasitic infections (worms, tapeworms... ) However, you should not worry too much about the above test results. Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for your trust and question to Vinmec. Wishing you a lot of health

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Answered by Master. Doctor Pham Thi Thuy Nhung - Head of Laboratory Department - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

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