What is the most accurate way to calculate gestational age?

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Hello doctor. My pregnancy is already 6 weeks, but I don't know how to calculate the exact gestational age. So can you help me answer this question?
I would like to thank you.
Dam Ngoc Bao Tran (1993)
Let me ask you on March 13, 2020 I had an ultrasound for 6 weeks 1 day. So tell me what day I got pregnant. Thank you doctor
Anonymous question
Currently, there are 3 ways to calculate gestational age based on the last menstrual period for those with regular menstrual cycles, based on the date of intercourse and the day of ovulation , as well as based on the first trimester ultrasound. In this case, you do not know how to determine the gestational age, so you should go to a reputable medical facility for a pregnancy ultrasound. In addition, you can visit directly at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Support at Vinmec Health System facilities to be examined and consulted by a doctor.
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