What does fetal DNA determine?

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Genes are a component of heredity, also known as fetal DNA. Chromosomes are structures inside cells that carry genes, arranged in pairs. Most cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46 chromosomes. According to inheritance from parent to child, half of the baby's genes will be inherited from the mother and half will be inherited from the father. So what is genetic material, in fact?

Genetic disorders can be caused by problems with chromosomes or genes. Most children with chromosomal disorders have physical defects and some have intellectual disabilities. Genetic disorders are caused by defective genes passed from parent to child. The defective gene can occur on any chromosome. An inherited disorder can be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or sex linked. Diagnostic testing for birth defects looks for defective fetal DNA that can affect the baby's development.
The process begins at fertilization. The genetic code of the mother and father combined, the fertilized egg will carry the genetic code of the baby. The genes are arranged in chains, like a string of pearls, known as fetal DNA. Every time a cell splits during fetal development, it creates an identical copy of itself in each cell. Each cell carries the genetic code that holds all the characteristics of the fetus, the genetic material at the cellular level.
DNA is a sequence of genetic code that still contains many unsolved mysteries. DNA holds all the inheritance from parents to children. Eye color, hair color, blood type, sometimes even some personality traits of parents are all genetic, and can be passed on from parent to child.
However, not all genomes are pre-arranged. The combination and arrangement between genetic codes is still evolving and may change over time. They are influenced by the developing environment of the fetus, and continue to form and perfect even after the baby is born.
Today, prenatal tests can help pregnant women know if the fetus really has a certain disorder or has a disease that is passed on from parent to child. Prenatal screening and diagnostic testing are offered to all pregnant women.

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