What children are considered slow to speak?

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"How are children slow to speak?" This is a common question asked by many parents. There are many parents who have difficulty in assessing speech delay in their children. Knowing the signs will help parents better understand the condition of their children.

1. What is a child with delayed speech?

In the abnormal development of language, speech and language disorders are considered to be the most common form of retardation, more common than other forms of developmental delay.
In which speech is considered a means of verbal communication, expressed by sound. The three main components of speech are pronunciation, accent, and fluency. Speech disorders appear when a child pronounces words but others do not understand, such as a child with stuttering, slurred speech.
Language is a means of expressing and receiving information through words or gestures (signal language, body language). Language is a measure of intelligence, so language development disorders are more serious than speech disorders.
A child is considered to have a language delay when the child's language develops possibly in the correct sequence, but at a slower rate.

Trẻ được coi là chậm phát triển ngôn ngữ khi ngôn ngữ của trẻ phát triển có thể theo đúng trình tự, nhưng tốc độ chậm hơn
Trẻ được coi là chậm phát triển ngôn ngữ khi ngôn ngữ của trẻ phát triển có thể theo đúng trình tự, nhưng tốc độ chậm hơn

2. Signs that your child has a speech delay

Children will be considered slow to speak if there are some of the following signs:
For children from 3-4 months
Does not respond to loud noises. No growling sound. Begins to growl but cannot imitate sounds (by 4 months). For 7 months old baby
Does not respond to noises. 12-month-old baby
Does not like to communicate with others (using sounds, gestures or words), even when he needs help or wants something. Can't say even a single word like grandma or mom. Does not know how to do movements such as waving goodbye, shaking his head to say no, pointing. When called by name, there is usually no response. Doesn't care about everything around him. 15 months old baby
Does not understand and react to words like "no", "get up". Couldn't say a word. Don't point at objects or pictures when asked Never point at things you like to ask for your friends 18 months old
Unable to point to certain body parts (eg head, eyes, nose) when asked request. Can't say more than 6 words. Can't communicate in any way, even when needing help, can't point to what he wants. Can't speak simple words like mom,... Don't understand simple commands Doesn't respond verbally or physically when asked about something The child is between the ages of 19-23 months old
Limited ability to absorb new words 24 months old baby
Unable to speak more than 15 words Can only repeat other people's words but cannot say it himself Unable to carry out simple conversations for example like “mom holding”,... Do not understand instructions or long questions. Unable to play with dolls or play with himself/Sometimes he doesn't know how to imitate the actions or words of others. When looking at books, children cannot point to a picture that you name.

Khi xem sách, trẻ không thể chỉ vào một bức tranh mà bạn gọi tên thì có khả năng trẻ bị chậm nói
Khi xem sách, trẻ không thể chỉ vào một bức tranh mà bạn gọi tên thì có khả năng trẻ bị chậm nói
Children between the ages of 25-35 months old
Can't say simple sentences with 2-4 words. Unable to name some body parts. Unable to remember things that are repeated over and over, such as a short poem. Doesn't know how to ask simple questions. No one in the family can understand the baby. 3 years old child
Cannot use any personal pronouns (child, mother). Unable to combine words into short sentences Does not understand instructions or short questions Speech is very unclear, making it difficult for family members and outsiders to understand. Often stammers and when talking, the baby's face is contorted. Never question yourself. Little or no interest in story books. Not interested in and socializing with other children. Always have mom or dad by your side. 4-year-old children
Not able to pronounce most consonants fluently. Do not understand the concept of "same" and "different". Not using the pronouns "child" and "mom" correctly.

3. Reasons why children are slow to speak

There are many possible causes of language delay, the following can list some common causes in children with speech delay such as brain defects, hearing impairments, epilepsy, mental retardation, psychological - educational - environmental - social factors,...
To determine the cause of speech delay, it is necessary to rely on factors such as: development of motor, language, perception behavior, interactions, as well as play in children. In addition, children should be examined and monitored by specialists.
The choice of medical facilities to examine children is also an important issue. It is necessary to choose a prestigious hospital with high professional quality and modern equipment and facilities to obtain accurate diagnosis results and reasonable treatment interventions.
Psychological Clinic - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital is a prestigious address in examination, consultation and outpatient treatment of psychological and mental health problems.
With modern equipment and a team of doctors who are lecturers in psychiatry at Hanoi Medical University, the clinic is capable of deploying psychological tests and intensive psychotherapy to serve patients. healthcare.
With enthusiasm and love for the profession, the team of doctors working here always gives customers the best services with the highest service quality.
The clinic is currently cooperating with leading professors and experts of Hanoi Medical University, frontline hospitals in the country and internationally for diagnosis and treatment to bring about effective medical examination and treatment. the best.
Location at Vinmec Times City:
Room 4063, 4th floor - Department of General Internal Medicine.
Clinic working schedule: From 8:00 to 12:00, 13:00 to 17:00.
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