Vomiting in children: clinical - subclinical examination and treatment

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Article written by BSCK II Bui Thu Huong, Children's Center, Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Vomiting in infants and young children worries many mothers, especially when the baby appears with accompanying symptoms such as cough, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, abdominal distension, convulsions... can be a manifestation of dangerous diseases of the respiratory tract, brain and meninges. So how is the clinical - paraclinical examination in preterm infants and how to deal with it?

1. Clinical examination

Age: digestive malformations in infants
Body development: prolonged vomiting causes malnutrition, chronic electrolyte loss.
Detecting symptoms accompanying vomiting:
Digestive disorders: diarrhea, bowel obstruction, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, bloody anus visits,... Signs of infection: fever, chills tremor, pale blue, earache, painful urination, urinary incontinence, rash,... Signs of brain - meningeal: convulsions, headache, stiff neck, photophobia, blurred vision, increased head circumference, .. Signs of acute and chronic respiratory disease: vomiting causing aspiration pneumonia, GERD,...

Trẻ bị tiêu chảy có thể là dấu hiệu của tình trạng rối loạn tiêu hóa
Trẻ bị tiêu chảy có thể là dấu hiệu của tình trạng rối loạn tiêu hóa

2. Subclinical

Determine the consequences of vomiting: assessment, CTM, ketones in urine, chest X-ray
Determine the cause of vomiting:
Surgery: Unprepared abdomen, abdominal ultrasound, gastrointestinal scan with contrast; Infections: CTM, CRP, stool culture, urine culture, blood culture, ear-nose-throat examination...; ED, intoxication: Ketonuria, blood glucose, blood urea, ED, lactate,...; Neurological diseases: CSF puncture, ophthalmoscopy, cranial scan, electroencephalogram,...; Psychiatric examination.

3. Handling

Rehydration and electrolytes ; Do not use antiemetic drugs when monitoring surgical indications; Adjust the diet; Change the position of holding the baby; Vomiting due to pyloric spasm: use Atropin, Motilium, Domperidon, Primperan; Treatment is specific to the cause.

Mẹ cần thay đổi tư thế ẵm khi bé bị nôn trớ
Mẹ cần thay đổi tư thế ẵm khi bé bị nôn trớ
In addition, to avoid vomiting in young children, parents should provide reasonable zinc for their children, along with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... Nutrients This nutrition will help your child eat well, have a good immune system, strengthen the resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
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