Vinmec: Affirming the leading address to save lives of premature babies in the North

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Take life - this difficult task is again the first goal that premature/extreme premature babies need to overcome after birth. In that journey, the companionship of a team of experienced doctors, modern equipment systems and advanced technologies is indispensable.

98% of premature babies born at Vinmec are discharged from the hospital healthy, leaving no sequelae, in which there are many cases of extremely premature babies that seem hopeless.

Saving the life of extremely premature babies weighing less than 600 grams

Babies are assessed for preterm birth at 28-32 weeks gestation and extreme preterm birth at less than 28 weeks' gestation. Premature babies are not fully developed in the fetus, facing many risks right after birth such as respiratory failure, lung bleeding, infection, jaundice, necrotizing enterocolitis, immunosuppression.. high risk of death.
Every year, Vinmec Hospital's Neonatology Department receives about 1500-1700 newborns for treatment, of which the number of premature babies accounts for 10-12%. There are many causes of preterm birth, in which it may be the mother's pathology that leads to a case where the pregnant woman is forced to have an urgent cesarean section when she is only half of the pregnancy, the baby's weight is only 600-1000 grams. . These are very difficult cases because babies born prematurely and weakly, the survival rate and few sequelae are too low in Vietnam.

Bé Bảo An nặng 570gram
Bé Bảo An nặng 570gram

Bảo Diệp ra đời với cân nặng 630 gram
Bảo Diệp ra đời với cân nặng 630 gram

Bảo An - Bảo Diệp 4 tuổi
Bảo An - Bảo Diệp 4 tuổi

Among these were twins born at 25 weeks of gestation who were rescued. Two babies Bao An - Bao Diep were born with a weight of 570 grams and 630 grams, accompanied by many dangerous diseases: severe respiratory failure due to endocardial disease, three times of pulmonary bleeding, circulatory failure, pulmonary hypertension. .. In order to feed extremely premature babies with only less than 600 grams, Vinmec's team of doctors and nurses have performed a special care process, combining specialties. The miracle is that after the neonatal treatment, the health of the two babies improved rapidly, they can breastfeed well, weigh up to 3.2kg and do not need oxygen support. Currently, the two children are 4 years old, developing. completely normal.

Bé Nguyễn Hà Châu
Bé Nguyễn Hà Châu

Bé Nguyễn Hà Vy
Bé Nguyễn Hà Vy

In 2018, Vinmec successfully raised the first 24 weeks of extremely premature birth in the North, twins Nguyen Ha Chau and Nguyen Ha Vy - the result of in vitro fertilization (IVF). The baby's birth weight was only 600 grams. Thanks to the outstanding efforts of the team of doctors, nurses, specialized specialties such as stem cell treatment, and with methodical care and treatment measures according to the desired goal... two babies were born. Hospital in healthy condition, weighing 3.9 kg and 4.1 kg, respectively.

Hai bé sinh đôi Nguyễn Hà Châu và Nguyễn Hà Vy
Hai bé sinh đôi Nguyễn Hà Châu và Nguyễn Hà Vy
Doctor Tran Lien Anh, Head of Neonatology Department - Vinmec Times City General Hospital said: ''In the world, the mortality rate due to extremely preterm birth is 50%, the complication rate in survivors is also up to 50%. 30%. In the US alone, the survival rate of babies under 1000 grams is 40% at a cost of $1.8 million. From 2015 to now, Vinmec Times city has saved the lives of 6 extremely premature births with 24-26 weeks without complications. Being able to feed extremely premature babies under 600 grams without sequelae at a low cost is a proud achievement of Vinmec Hospital ''.

Bác sĩ CK.II Trần Liên Anh - Trưởng Khoa Sơ sinh - Bệnh viện ĐKQT Vinmec Times City
Bác sĩ CK.II Trần Liên Anh - Trưởng Khoa Sơ sinh - Bệnh viện ĐKQT Vinmec Times City

Out of more than 200 other premature babies that have been received by Vinmec Neonatology Department, 98% of cases can be discharged healthy. Most children catch up with their physical and mental development when they are nearly 1 year old.

Progress in the treatment of premature babies at Vinmec

Treatment of premature babies is one of the complex, high-risk techniques. The care and treatment process for premature babies at Vinmec is carried out right in the delivery room with close coordination between the Obstetricians and Neonatologists, ensuring that extremely premature babies receive timely and reasonable respiratory support. maintaining body temperature, avoiding hypothermia, maintaining stable blood sugar and preventing infections - prerequisites for children to regain their lives.
During treatment at Vinmec, premature infants were assisted with targeted respiration with an invasive, non-invasive ventilator (nCPAP), surfactant replacement therapy, and fluid and electrolyte control through temperature setting. , incubator humidity, weight... Children are provided with energy through fluids, given minimally early and gradually increased oral feeding to help the digestive system develop. In addition, premature babies at Vinmec are cared for for brain development, ensuring the most ideal environment such as avoiding noise, light, unnecessary stimulation, making kangaroos, guiding mothers to place The baby's lying position is reasonable for blood circulation to the brain.

Caring for premature babies not only requires technique, but also requires the "mind" of a doctor. At Vinmec, doctors and nurses are well-trained, equipped with in-depth knowledge on the treatment and care of premature and extremely premature babies. In particular, the ability to remove veins, insert needles, and place long infusion fields from the peripheral veins are always focused on because very young children have very thin and fragile veins, which may require more fluid infusion for a long time.
Doctor Tran Lien An said that, to improve the treatment efficiency for premature babies, the Neonatal Department, Vinmec Hospital has fully equipped with modern supporting machines such as invasive and non-invasive ventilators. (nCPAP), weighing incubator, projector lamp, suction machine, monitors, invasive blood pressure monitor... Especially, isolation conditions, cross-infection prevention are guaranteed to the maximum, each baby has a separate box and care staff in a 1:1 ratio at the acute stage. Gestational age and causes of preterm birth are different for each baby. Therefore, with each case, doctors are always cautious in each stage of diagnosis, treatment and child rearing.

Các bác sĩ Khoa Sơ sinh, Bệnh viện Vinmec
Các bác sĩ Khoa Sơ sinh, Bệnh viện Vinmec

Thanks to the application of modern technology and the enthusiasm of the team of doctors and nurses, the results of treatment of premature babies at Vinmec have obtained positive results, saving the lives of many seemingly hopeless premature births. The process of caring and nurturing premature babies in particular and babies with pathologies in general at Vinmec brings about the same efficiency as in advanced countries, increasing the chances of premature babies being saved and healthy living. and hope for infertile families.
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