Vaginal tissue tear, diagnosis and treatment

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Posted by Doctor Nguyen Chi Quang - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Vaginal tear is considered one of the common gynecological emergencies in women, this damage often occurs after sex with the common symptom of vaginal bleeding. Patients need to be diagnosed and treated promptly to prevent dangerous complications.

1. What is a vaginal tear?

The vagina is a tubular structure whose axis is not in the horizontal direction, parallel to the ground, but in the slightly downward direction, and surrounds the cervix in a dome-like shape forming four chambers. The space between the back of the cervix and the vagina is called the posterior sacrum. Along the back is a cavity that separates the vagina and the inside of the abdomen.
Causes of vaginal tearing: A tear in the vagina almost always occurs after improper intercourse. Risk factors include
First time intercourse Menopausal women : short, dry, less elastic vagina Female masturbation, too big, too deep and rough insertion Rape or sadism Size Penis size too large Intercourse with inappropriate posture, man does not understand the axis of the vagina.

Kích thước dương vật quá lớn gây nguy cơ rách cùng đồ âm đạo
Kích thước dương vật quá lớn gây nguy cơ rách cùng đồ âm đạo

2. Diagnosing tearing with vaginal tissue

Two common symptoms of a tear in the vagina are pain and bleeding
Pain: Usually comes on suddenly, sharp pain often makes intercourse impossible to continue, accompanied by heavy vaginal bleeding. Bleeding with characteristics: usually bright red blood, clotted blood, clotted blood, unlike menstrual blood, which is usually dark red and does not clot. Need to distinguish from hymen tear in the first intercourse: the blood is usually small, pink-pink, self-limited Bleeding often persists for a few days after that, does not stop on its own. Women are often embarrassed to go to the doctor, tearing the same vaginal clothes, if severe, will cause the vagina to communicate with the abdomen, allowing bacteria to enter the abdomen, leading to fever and severe abdominal infection. Therefore, if you are having intercourse with a lot of pain, bright red bleeding, blood clots, you should stop having intercourse and go to an Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist for an accurate diagnosis and timely treatment. , avoid infectious complications that can be life-threatening.

Hai triệu chứng luôn gặp khi bị rách cùng đồ âm đạo đó là đau và chảy máu
Hai triệu chứng luôn gặp khi bị rách cùng đồ âm đạo đó là đau và chảy máu

3. Treatment when torn with vaginal clothes

At the hospital, most cases of vaginal tearing need to be taken to the operating room for good pain relief, to help women relax, and doctors will expose and evaluate the wound. If there is a tear with a light body (the vagina is torn but not completely punctured and does not communicate with the abdomen), it will be treated with stitches to stop the bleeding. The doctor will use dissolving sutures, the woman does not need to go to the sutures afterwards. Wounds need 4-6 weeks to heal completely, need to be re-examined after 1 month to re-evaluate stitches
If the tear is heavy (the vagina is completely perforated into the abdomen), the doctor can look through vagina, with visible intra-abdominal structures such as the small intestine, omentum omentum, and vagina. This is a complicated case that requires real surgery, combining abdominal surgery and vaginal surgery at the same time. At Vinmec International General Hospital, customers will not have to have a long, open laparotomy, but a laparoscopic surgery, with an incision of only 5mm, (with the advantage of less pain after surgery, less scarring after surgery). fine, the recovery time is very fast) to assess whether the abdominal organs are accompanied by damage or not. Besides, with the support of the robot hand-held endoscopic instrument, with the advantage of 360-degree folding and stretching, it will be easier to stitch the hole in the same item more easily than conventional laparoscopic surgery.

Xử trí khi bị rách cùng đồ âm đạo bằng phương pháp mổ nội soi
Xử trí khi bị rách cùng đồ âm đạo bằng phương pháp mổ nội soi

4. How to prevent tearing with vaginal clothes

Vaginal tearing is a serious complication after rough or improper intercourse, causing great pain not only physically but also a psychological trauma for a woman who is prone to frigidity later on. with sex. Therefore, prevention of vaginal tearing is very necessary. It is necessary to have gentle intercourse, respecting the slightly posterior anatomical axis of the vaginal canal. Adequate lubrication is required before intercourse, especially on menopausal women Be careful with large sex toys To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact us. Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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