Tuberculosis vaccination for babies

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The doctor told me that my child was born in Japan. It's been nearly 6 months now, but I haven't had a TB injection, when I was more than 4 months old due to work at home, I sent my son back to Vietnam. Can I have my child tested and vaccinated for TB? Because in Japan the TB vaccination schedule is from 4 to 8 months, what should I do now?
Doan Ngoc Van (1996)
It is recommended that infants should be vaccinated against TB in the first month after birth. However, late vaccination is still better than no vaccination at all. But doctors also say that TB vaccine should not be given to children 3 months of age or older if there is not much risk of contracting the disease. This is because the late vaccination of infants with TB carries a greater risk of serious side effects, in particular, some children will develop axillary lymphadenopathy after vaccination.
If a child has missed one of the immunizations according to the standard schedule, parents should consult the doctor about the late TB vaccination schedule.

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