Things to know when letting children wear contact lenses

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The article was written by Dr. BS Le Thi Huong - General Doctor - Medical Examination Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

The US Food and Drug Administration regulates contact lenses and some contact lens care products as medical devices. Contact lenses have benefits, they can be better for sports because they don't break like frames and lenses. In some cases, contact lenses improve the quality of vision compared to eyeglasses, especially for children with very severe nearsightedness.
Contact lenses should be used safely, responsibly and only under the supervision of your eye care professional. Otherwise, it can cause serious eye injury, especially if the contact lenses are not removed in the first place.

1. Contact lens risks and safety

Adverse events that can lead to injury include wearing children's glasses:
Using saliva to moisten lenses Failure to follow instructions from an eye care professional Wearing cosmetic or decorative glasses purchased without have valid prescriptions from beauty stores, the internet, and other sources In fact, according to a study published in the journal Pediatrics, about 13,500 (or a quarter) of more than 70,000 children visit the emergency room. every year for contact lens-related medical device injuries and complications. Problems from contact lenses include eye infections and abrasions - meaning your eyes can be bruised from wearing contact lenses.
The most serious risk is ulceration (severe infection) of the cornea - the front surface of the eye that helps protect it from germs, dust and other harmful materials. Ulcers are rare, but if not treated and controlled quickly, they can cause permanent vision loss. Not taking the necessary safety precautions can greatly increase your risk of developing an ulcer.
Eye care professionals generally do not recommend contact lenses (lenses that can be worn overnight or during sleep) for children and adolescents because they may increase the incidence of corneal ulcers.
Daily disposable lenses can reduce some of the risks associated with wearing lenses because a new pair of glasses is used every day.
Children with seasonal allergies should not wear contact lenses. The lenses may only increase the itching and burning caused by their allergies.
>>> When is the child old enough to wear contact lenses?

2. Safety tips for contact lenses

Wash your hands before cleaning or attaching the lens. Carefully dry your hands with a clean, lint-free cloth. Scrub, wash, clean, and disinfect your contact lenses as directed. Use only products and solutions recommended by your eye care professional. Note that cleaning and rinsing (and use of most care solutions) will be eliminated if daily disposable lenses are prescribed. Never let contact lenses come into contact with water or saliva. Do not wear your glasses for longer than prescribed. Do not sleep with your glasses on unless they are intended to be used that way. Never wear someone else's glasses. Always have a prescription for any glasses you wear. When playing sports, wear goggles or glasses that cover your lenses. Do not apply any cosmetics after attaching the lens. Remove your glasses before removing makeup. Always have a spare pair of glasses handy. Never put contact lenses in red eyes. If your eyes become itchy, burning, irritated, or red, remove your lenses and contact your eye care professional.

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Không bao giờ để kính áp tròng tiếp xúc với nước hoặc nước bọt

3. What should you know?

Most contact lenses that children use are not used during sleep. And most lenses are used as replacements for glasses, providing only optical correction for blurred vision. However, there are some special types of contact lenses that may offer other benefits or may raise concerns.
FDA has approved the first contact lens to slow the progression of myopia in children. Children will start wearing glasses between the ages of 8 and 12. (These lenses are “Disposable Daily” lenses that are only worn upon waking and thrown away each evening.)
Some lenses may be worn while sleeping. These lenses, which can be soft or hard, essentially carry a greater risk of eye infections leading to vision loss. There are rigid lenses (orthopedic lenses) that are worn during sleep to slightly blur the cornea to temporarily reduce nearsightedness.
These lenses are usually worn every night while sleeping but are removed in the morning and allow nearsighted patients to temporarily see better without glasses or contact lenses. There are some increased risks when wearing these hard contact lenses.
Decorative contact lenses can give the eye a different aesthetic look and can be done with or without vision correction. Lenses without a correction source are still medical devices, require a prescription from a doctor, and carry the same risks as other lenses. These risks may be increased if contact lenses are purchased online.
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