The role of the immune system in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells

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This article is professionally consulted by Dr. Le Tan Dat - Internal Medicine Oncologist, Radiation Therapy Center, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Cancer cells can weaken the immune system, while the immune system is still able to fight against malignant pathogens, preventing tumor formation. So how does the process of cancer cells thrive but are suppressed by the immune system?

1. Immune system

The immune system protects the body from diseases and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites through immune responses. Immunity includes 2 main groups as follows:
Innate immunity: Available from birth. This immunity is not specific. Acquired immunity: Formed after the body has contracted certain diseases. This immunity is more specific. Immunity is very important for cancer patients because of the interplay. Many cancer patients are also particularly concerned about how cancer cells thrive but are suppressed by the immune system.
1.1. Cancer weakens the immune system Bone marrow is where the function of making blood cells, including cells with immune function such as granulocytes or lymphocytes, helps the body fight against infectious diseases. Cancer cells adversely affect the immune system by preventing the bone marrow from producing more healthy cells that protect the body.
In addition, cancer treatments also have a negative effect on the immune system, causing the immune system to temporarily weaken. Cancer treatments with high doses, both kill malignant cells, and accidentally cause a large number of white blood cells in the bone marrow to be lost. Specifically:
Chemotherapy Radiotherapy High-dose Steroids. 1.2. Immune system inhibits cancer growth Some cells of the body's immune system can detect cancer cells as abnormal and destroy them. However, the defenses of the immune system are not able to eliminate all malignant cells present in the body. Moreover, cancer cells can "trick" the immune system in many different ways. Therefore, a number of new cancer treatments are being researched, aimed at limiting the weakened immune system, as well as enhancing the function of the immune system. The goal of this therapy is to fight and inhibit the growth of cancer cells before they form tumors with natural substances found in the immune system.

Hệ miễn dịch hỗ trợ chống lại tế bào ung thư
Hệ miễn dịch hỗ trợ chống lại tế bào ung thư

2. B cells and T cells

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that participates in the immune response to "fight" pathogens. There are two main types of lymphocytes, B cells and T cells, both of which are produced in the bone marrow.
Similar to other blood cells, B and T lymphocytes also have to be fully mature to be eligible to participate in the immune process. While B cells mature in the bone marrow, T cells develop in the thymus. After they have grown large enough, B and T cells migrate to the spleen, as well as the lymph nodes, ready to fight pathogens and protect the body.
See also: CAR-T cell therapy in cancer treatment 2.1. B-cell function B-cells respond against invading bacteria or viruses by making proteins called antibodies. Each B cell produces antibodies that have a distinct variable head, tailored to each different damaging factor.
B cells are also part of the immune system's memory. If they encounter the same microorganism trying to invade the body again the next time, the B cells will make the right antibodies very quickly and are already in a state of readiness to destroy them.
2.2. Tasks of T cells There are many different types of T cells, but they are divided into 2 main groups:
Helper T cells: They are responsible for stimulating B cells to make antibodies and help T cells. destroy development. Killer T cells (or "cytotoxic T cells" - cytotoxic T cells, CTL): Responsible for eliminating the body's own cells when they have been invaded by viruses or bacteria. This function helps to prevent pathogens from reproducing in cells and then infecting other cells.

Tế bào T khóa kháng nguyên lạ cũng như tế bào ung thư và tiêu diệt chúng.
Tế bào T khóa kháng nguyên lạ cũng như tế bào ung thư và tiêu diệt chúng.
2.3. Role of antibodies Each antibody is made with a unique design, helping to fight different types of microorganisms. Antibodies have two ends, one end is attached to a protein on the outside of a white blood cell, the other end is attached to a pathogen or damaged cell. Antibodies stick to the surface of invading bacteria or viruses similar to the action of a "lock and key". This action is intended to signal to the body that foreign elements are dangerous and need to be destroyed. In addition, antibodies can also detect and remove damaged cells, including cancer cells.
How does cancer cells thrive but are suppressed by the immune system? Cancer cells are not normal cells, so some immune system antibodies can detect cancer cells. Antibodies stick to and block cancer cells, causing them to be suppressed, and at the same time signaling the body to carry out an immune response to destroy and eliminate them.

Trắc nghiệm: Thử hiểu biết của bạn về bệnh ung thư

Ung thư là nguyên nhân gây tử vong hàng thứ 2 trên thế giới. Thử sức cùng bài trắc nghiệm sau đây sẽ giúp bạn có thêm kiến thức về yếu tố nguy cơ cũng như cách phòng ngừa bệnh ung thư.

Bài dịch từ:

3. Cancer treatment with the immune system

Immunotherapy applies the characteristics of the immune system to help suppress cancer cells, thereby supporting the treatment of this dangerous disease.
Immunotherapy is appropriate for some cancers, even when melanoma has spread, metastasized, or is resistant to treatment. With the use of natural substances in the body, or using drugs made from these substances, the method of enhancing the autologous immune system is quite useful in cancer treatment. The mechanism of action starts from the fact that cancer cells are very different from normal cells, so that the immune system can recognize and destroy abnormal malignant cells immediately if they are not strong enough to make the system worse. weakened immunity.
Scientists can extract different chemicals from the immune response in the laboratory. Some immunotherapies that have been implemented are:
Monoclonal antibodies (Mabs, monoclonal a antibodiesti b die s ): Recognizes and attacks certain proteins on the surface of cancer cells Vaccines: Helps the immune system detect and eliminate cancer cells. Cytotoxic T cells (CTLs): Helps strengthen the immune system. Stem cell transplantation: Gene changes in a patient's white blood cells.

4. Application of immune enhancement in cancer treatment at Vinmec

Bệnh viện Vinmec Times City hợp tác với Nhật Bản chuyển giao công nghệ miễn dịch tự thân điều trị ung thư từ năm 2015
Bệnh viện Vinmec Times City hợp tác với Nhật Bản chuyển giao công nghệ miễn dịch tự thân điều trị ung thư từ năm 2015
Autologous immune enhancement therapy (AIET) was first applied in Japan, so far more than 10 countries around the world have introduced cancer treatment regimens. In Vietnam, in October 2018, the Ministry of Health licensed the application of Natural Immune System Therapy to Vinmec Times City Hospital - one of the first units to implement this special treatment method. Previously, Vinmec International General Hospital also cooperated with Japanese experts to transfer and receive this modern technology from 2015. Cancer treatment results are a combination of autologous immune enhancement (culture of the patient's own immune cells) and traditional methods such as heat therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery at Vinmec. has achieved a higher efficiency of 20-30%, strengthening the weakened immune system and controlling symptoms. The application of the immune system is also suitable for patients with late-stage cancer, metastasis or treatment-resistant disease. After the application, the condition of many patients is very positive, their health has improved markedly. This is a new hope for people unfortunately suffering from cancer in Vietnam as well as around the world.
In addition to the method of enhancing autologous immunity by culturing the patient's own cells as above, at hospitals in the Vinmec Health system there are also methods of using immunosuppressants (such as: pembrolizumab, atelizozumab, etc.) ...) to help restore the patient's immune system, which is suppressed by cancer cells. This is a direct application from the 2018 Nobel Prize winners in Medicine and Physiology.
Vinmec International General Hospitals nationwide have a team of doctors with high expertise and modern equipment - is the leading cancer treatment center that combines the application of advanced therapies from the leading immune system in Vietnam. Customers can call hotlines of hospitals or register for online consultation with Vinmec HERE.

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