The relationship between ovarian cysts and infertility

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Ovarian cyst is a common disease in women. One of the most concerned ovarian cyst problems is that do ovarian cysts cause infertility? The following article will provide you with useful information on that matter.
The article is professionally consulted by Master, Resident Doctor Nguyen Thi Tam - Clinician - Reproductive Support Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.

1. Ovarian Cyst Overview

Ovarian cysts usually do not cause clinical symptoms. Sometimes there is only pain in the lower abdomen, back pain or pain during menstruation. Not all ovarian cysts affect fertility. Classification of ovarian cysts:
Functional tumors: will disappear on their own after a number of menstrual cycles, without affecting fertility. Physical ovarian cysts: dermoid cysts, water cysts, mucinous cysts, endometrioma... most of these cysts do not directly affect fertility, simply symptoms of larger illnesses that can affect fertility.

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2. The Link Between Ovarian Cysts and Infertility

There are several types of cysts associated with decreased fertility. In fact, the effect depends on the type of ovarian cyst you have.
Endometriosis is an example of a disease that can cause ovarian cysts that affect fertility. Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue grows out of place on the outside of the uterus. When this lining grows inside the ovary, it causes endometriosis-type ovarian cysts. Although doctors do not have an answer to whether ovarian cysts cause infertility, according to studies, endometriosis is closely related to infertility; Some studies demonstrate that women with even mild endometriosis have only a 2% to 4% chance of getting pregnant each month (compared to 15% 20% in healthy women). When the cyst grows to a large size, it will both compress other egg cells that cannot develop, and interfere with the ovulation process to conceive. If the tumor grows too large in both ovaries and there are no healthy follicles, it can greatly affect a woman's fertility. eggs, endometriosis in the uterine muscle, causing uterine contractions affecting the ability to implant the fetus. Intra-abdominal endometriosis affects immune factors, so it also affects the process of conception and implantation of the fetus.

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In rare cases, ovarian cysts can develop into ovarian cancer. This not only affects your ability to get pregnant, but also endangers your life.
Does ovarian cyst treatment cause infertility? That depends on your treatment options. Usually hormone treatment does not have a long-term effect on fertility. Surgery always carries the risk of affecting the ovaries and the risk of possible complications (rarely) leading to the risk of removing the ovaries. Both of these risks lead to ovarian failure and lower your odds of getting pregnant.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a syndrome caused by hormone imbalance. Infertility is the most common symptom that prompts women with PCOS to seek medical advice. The main cause of infertility in women with PCOS is an ovulatory disorder that leads to reduced fertility.
With ovarian cysts that affect fertility, it is necessary to have an early treatment regimen to improve fertility. If you've been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and are worried about becoming pregnant, talk to your doctor so he or she can discuss treatment options that can improve your chances of getting pregnant.

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