The age of baby teeth eruption, the role of baby teeth and how to take care of them

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Posted by Doctor of Odonto-Stomatology, Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Newborn babies will not have teeth yet, on average by 6 months, babies start their first teeth, 12 months have about 6 teeth and by 24 months will have a full set of baby teeth including 20 teeth, 10 in upper jaw and 10 in lower jaw.

1. Sequence and time of baby's teething

Baby's teething time varies physically, some 4.5 months old babies have teeth, but many babies are about 1 year old when the first tooth appears. However, don't worry, babies only need to start teething within the first year of life to fully develop normally.
Illustrate the sequence and timing of baby teething:
4 middle incisors of upper and lower jaws: 5-8 months 4 lateral incisors: 7-10 months 4 first molars: 12-16 months canines: April 14-20 2nd molars: 20-32 months

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2. The role of baby teeth and the consequences of early loss of baby teeth

Functions of baby teeth :
Digestion Keeps space for permanent teeth Stimulates jaw bone development Aesthetic pronunciation Consequences of early loss of baby teeth:
Displacement of adjacent teeth, misalignment of occlusion with teeth No. 6 (permanent teeth), midline deviation Reducing the length and circumference of the dental arch, making space for small molars: jammed, misaligned Protrusion of opposite teeth Affects the eruption time of replacement permanent teeth Impact on chewing strength and health Affects aesthetics, affects pronunciation Aggravating factors: muscle abnormalities, bad habits, existence of a wrong bite...

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3. How to take care of baby's baby teeth

When children are too young to brush their teeth, adults can use milk towels with boiled water to cool or physiological saline to clean their teeth daily, when children are 2 years old, they can practice brushing their teeth. Older children can brush their own teeth, in the period when children are 3-5 years old, parents should support brushing their children's teeth, especially in the evening because at this stage children are often busy playing and have not been able to clean their teeth, so they will not brush their teeth properly. risk of tooth decay.
Regularly observe the child's teeth, if there are abnormal signs such as black marks, small holes appear on the teeth, it is necessary to take them to the dentist for early sealing.
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