Symptoms and treatment of grade 3 cervical ectropion

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Cervical ectropion is a benign disease, not life-threatening, but adversely affects quality of life, hindering sex life, especially for patients with grade 3 cervical ectropion.

1. What is grade 3 cervical ectropion?

Cervical ectropion is a benign lesion in the cervix caused by glandular cells inside the cervical canal growing, invading the outer surface of the cervix, still secreting fluid like it was in the cervix. Therefore, patients often have increased secretions in the vagina, itching, smelly discharge ..., easily leading to inflammation. Endometriosis usually does not manifest itself through symptoms. Patients often only know they have the disease when they go to a gynecologist and get a pelvic exam. Some women are born with cervical ectropion, but it can also be caused by taking oral contraceptives or during pregnancy.
Cervical ectropion is divided into 3 grades. In which, level 3 is the most serious, at this time, the cervicitis is severe, the damaged area accounts for 2/3 even the entire area and affects the patient's health and needs to be treated. treat immediately.

Viêm lộ tuyến cổ tử cung được chia thành 3 cấp độ
Viêm lộ tuyến cổ tử cung được chia thành 3 cấp độ

2. Symptoms of cervical ectropion 3

Patients with stage 3 cervical ectropion, the inflamed area will occupy more than 70% of the cervical area, the symptoms are more severe than stage 1, 2:
Lots of discharge, colored discharge Abnormal, bad smell Bleeding during sex: The infected gland develops outside the cervix, when married, it will scratch the cervix and cause bleeding. Abnormal vaginal bleeding outside the menstrual cycle due to the congested surface of the cervix, easy to bleed. Cramping pain in the lower abdomen (pelvic, waist, lower abdomen like dysmenorrhea). Difficulty urinating, frequent urination, painful urination. Decreased libido, menstrual disorders Fatigue

3. Treatment of cervical ectropion 3

Cervical ectropion has many different degrees, not all cases are necessarily ectopic. Usually in stages 1 and 2, patients do not need treatment or if they do, are often prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection. However, with stage 3 thyroiditis, it means that the disease is at a severe level, the symptoms become more severe, severely affecting the patient's life. Therefore, treatment will usually include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and glandular destruction. Burning of the gland is carried out only after the inflammation has been cured. Glandular treatment can help prevent abnormal discharge and bleeding. Commonly applied methods of gland removal are: electrocautery, cryotherapy, and laser.
After treatment, the doctor may suggest that the patient avoid sex and use tampons for up to 4 weeks to prevent infection. It takes about 8 weeks for the wound on the cervix to heal completely.
Burning glands has the advantage of being performed quickly, can handle large areas of the gland, but can leave some consequences such as scleroderma in the cervix, narrowing of the uterus causing stagnation of menstrual blood, obstructing the flow of blood. natural process of conception and birth; vaginal pH imbalance due to antibiotic use before and after gland destruction; The prolonged bleeding and discharge time after the procedure makes the private area more sensitive and bacteria easier to penetrate. Therefore, the application of any treatment method depends on the specific case of each patient.

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